Chap 4: Linked.

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I got up stretching, thanking the universe that it was the weekend. I looked over at Cam and she was still sleeping peacefully beside me, cuddled up into my side. I smiled and slowly eased her off so I could go to the bathroom. Once I stepped into the bathroom, I took a shower and brushed my teeth. Cam was still sleeping when I was through but now she basically took up the whole bed, I rolled my eyes and decided to go start on breakfast.

I heard the television running and remembered that I didn't turn it off last night. I was remembering that Pedro was here and I didn't have any thing that he would normally eat for breakfast, well I guess he's gonna have to imagine the tofu scramble being real eggs. I didn't see him in the couch so I assumed he was still sleeping. I looked to the kitchen and saw the knife protruding from the fridge and sighed. This was the second time since we've lived here that Cam has pierced that fridge and I'm starting to feel sorry for it. There was glass on the counter and I remembered shooting the cupboard, mental facepalm. My phone was on the coffee table since I had it with me last night, I called the fridge repairman that doesn't ask questions and told him to bring someone to change the cupboards' glass as well. I gave him the dimensions of the glass since this also wasn't the first time we had to replace the cupboard glasses either. After hanging up I started laughing because this was wild as fuck, looking at the pillow with the knife sticking out of it I think she's just testing me. She knows that I'm not just a computer nerd and I've heard her talking to herself about Mona and I. At least she's not completely oblivious to certain things that we do around her, like Mona fly kicking me in the chest for one. I took the knife from out of the pillow and went to clean up the glass from the counter. I had to leave the knife in the fridge so I didn't bother looking at it when I opened it to get the tofu scramble I had from earlier in the week with tomatoes, sweet peppers, scotch bonnet peppers and onions. I could've made real eggs for them but Cam had to break a whole tray of eggs.

I brewed coffee and heated water for Cam's tea, set the table and laid everything out. I still haven't seen either Cam nor Pedro so I went upstairs to get them. I stopped at my bedroom first and peeked in to see a still widely spread and sleeping Cam.

"Cam, get up." I said shaking her. Nothing but groaning.

"Camille, I said to get the fuck up." I said shaking her again and she hissed her teeth.

I left the room to go wake Pedro but when I opened the door I heard the shower  running so I went back to Cam. She still hasn't moved. I jogged from the door and jumped onto her giving her the diving elbow drop that happens in almost every WWE match.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU FUCKING IMBECILE!" Cam shouted and I busted out laughing.

"Wifey, get up. I made you breakfast, plus you gotta meet our guest." I said still lying on top of her.

"And you couldn't just wake me like a normal person?" She said hissing her teeth and pushing me off her to leave the bed.

"I tried, I honestly did." I said blowing kisses at her. "Don't take too long, don't want the food to get cold!"

I walked out of the room and saw Pedro stepping out of his.

"Morning boss, I see you and the wife made up." He said smiling.

"Are you always this happy in the mornings?" I said to him.

"I'm just glad to see you," He said.

We stared at each other for a minute before we both started laughing and he came over to dap me up. We heard the sliding door to the back open and footsteps on the tiles.

"Tye!!!" I heard Cindy shout from downstairs.

"Coming my bitch." I shouted and gestured for Pedro to follow me downstairs.

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