Chap 15: Tye's birthday.

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I got up and stretched out my limbs feeling refreshed. I finally had Cam back and I was able to sleep peacefully, we were back home now and things were a bit calm. We still have Shane locked up in the warehouse, after watching her bleed out for awhile I called in a nurse to patch her up. We're going to need her to get to Jay and Juliette, Cam won't let me rest until we get her back.

Cam wasn't beside me when I woke up, I looked over at the wall clock and saw that it was past noon. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face then head downstairs where Cam was in the living room watching tv with Pedro by her side. His cut got infected but they gave him a few injections and more medication.

"Your food is in the microwave," I heard Cam say.

"Thanks babe," I replied and went to the kitchen to get my food.

I walked back over to them to sit on the couch and watched whatever they had playing on the tv. I felt like I was supposed to be remembering something but it wasn't coming to me.

"Cam, have you gotten all the notes and homework by email?" I asked her.

"Yes, thank you so much." She looked over at me.

I smiled, I had contacted the school to let them know that she'd be out for awhile and asked for the professors to email her the work that she was missing. I was due back to work next Monday and my boss had called in to check on me to find out if I was alive, said he'd want to hear everything when I got back on Monday. No police came to interrogate me since the shooting at the office, Banks took care of that for me.

Grace was no longer a hostage, she pledged her loyalty to us and forgave me for killing her father. She also begged that we didn't have Simba do drug runs anymore and that she walked freely, I was still thinking on that but I wasn't the one who recruited her so I wasn't the one that was to bring her case to Banks for him to decide if she should walk free or not.

"Lets go the beach," Cam said.

"Great idea," Pedro said from beside her.

They both got up and she handed him his crutches then walked off to go upstairs. I shook my head and followed them upstairs going for a shower, I changed into my swim trunks and spandex sports bra and sat on the bed watching her. She was packing up towels into a tote bag with sunscreen as well. She told me to go pack a cooler so I went downstairs to do that. I looked under the cabinet and there were two cases of beers, I wondered when we got these. I packed some out into the cooler and took the rest and placed them in the trunk of the Jeep. I put the tequila, vodka and, wine into the cooler then took it out as well and decided to get ice from the gas station.

I sat downstairs waiting on Cam and Pedro to come back down, I heard the sliding door open and in walked Cindy with her own bags and cooler rolling behind her.

"I'm definitely ready to get some sun," she said dropping in the couch beside me.

"Got the edibles?" I asked her.

"Uh, daw," she laughed out.

I took a drag of the spliff I was smoking and passed it over to Cindy. I outed it once I heard them walking down the steps, I got up to help Cam with her bags and Cindy helped Pedro. We loaded everything into the Jeep and we started our journey to the beach that was 45 minutes away. Cam told me to drop them off first then get the ice.

Once I got there I took them around to the private Cabana that she claimed she rented prior to coming here, I helped them get everything out of the trunk and then left to go get the ice. I decided to visit Mona while I was out. I got to the hospital and grabbed the jacket I had in the back to cover up my shoulders then I walked in asking the nurses if she was awake. I made my way down the halls and up the elevator to the third floor, Joseph was seated at her door playing games on his phone.

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