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"Papa, you know what Ava showed me at school today?" Jonah raised up his eyebrows. "What?" I chewed my chicken as Yara told her story.

"She painted her nails pink." Jonah and I exchanged a look. "Oh yeah?" I jumped in. "Yeah and I wanna do mine too! Can I daddy? Can I please?" She begged.

I almost lost it at her puppy dog eyes. I can never control myself. "Uh— I don't know honey." I said unsurely. I mean she was only four isn't she a little young for these things? But how would know I was never a girl.

"Sure baby. Why don't I take you to get them done tomorrow?" I looked up at Jonah. I was surprised that he made the decision without asking me for my opinion. But I guess he doesn't see anything wrong with it.

"No, papa! Ava's mom did hers for her, you need to do mine." I smiled to myself discretely as Jonah gulped. That's what he gets for parenting on his own. "O-ok, I'll take you to pick out a colour after daycare tomorrow."

Yara clapped her hands out of happiness. "Yay! Thanks papa." She hopped off her chair and climbed into Jonah's lap to kiss his cheek. I smiled at the cute gesture. "Now come on baby girl, let's get you ready for bed."

By the time I got Yara in her pyjamas, begged her to brush her teeth and read her a bedtime story, Jonah had already finished the dishes. I changed out of my suit and slipped on some sweatpants but remained shirtless.

Jonah was already in bed when I came out of the closet. "Hey, what are you doing?" He seemed focused on a video playing on the iPad. "I'm watching nail art tutorials." I gave him a puzzled look.

"Well does it look like I know how to paint nails? Yara wants me to do hers." I laughed as I slipped into our bed next to him. "It's so sweet of you to put in a lot of effort into this baby." I rubbed his shoulder muscles in attempt of soothing him.

"Well I—I just want her to feel like the other kids. I want her to know that whatever Ava's mom can do, we can do for her." I smiled at his words. I really don't know what I'd do without him.

"But doesn't it scare you that this is just the beginning? We're gonna have to deal with makeup, hairstyles, periods and boys." Jonah gave me a stern look. "No boy is ever coming near my daughter." I laughed at him. "Luckily, we don't have to worry about that for another few years."

"Now, why don't you get rid of that iPad and focus on me." I batted my eyelashes at him and ran my fingers across his bear chest. I was hoping he would get the hint, but he didn't. "I think I need to learn a few more techniques—" I rolled my eyes, "I'm horny!"

Jonah smirked at my remark and immediately tossed the iPad on the nightstand. He leaned over me and pushed me down onto the bed as we made out.

I immediately began to moan under him as Jonah bit down my neck. I loved how I melt in his arms. He could literally say one word to me and I'd get turned on.

I tried to palm him through his boxers, but I stopped when I felt no firmness. I pushed the idea out of my head quickly. Maybe he needs more time. I bucked my hips upwards to allow my bulge to get him aroused.

I moaned at the contact, but got no response from him. I pulled away from the kiss and stared at him. "What's going on?" Jonah knew exactly what I was talking about. Usually by now we would've started.

"Just kiss me some more." He said hungrily. I gladly allowed his tongue to enter my mouth yet again. I tugged at his hair and scratched my fingers down his back just like how he likes it, but still nothing.

Jonah was the one to pull away this time. "It's normal right? I—I mean we've been together so many times maybe I just need longer to get where you are." I nodded at his explanation.

"Okay, let's take things a different route then. Tell me how I can turn you on. What's one thing I do you really like?" Jonah thought about my question for a while. "Oh—I love it when you're on top."

I nodded at him quickly and flipped us over. I connected our lips once more as I rolled my hips into his. I bit his lip and moaned his name, and still, nothing.

"Um—maybe you're just not in the mood." I rolled off him. "What? No! Baby, I want to—" I shook my head and crawled under the covers. "It's okay." Jonah sighed. "Then let me at least do something for you." I denied his offer. "We can get to it tomorrow maybe, I'm tired."

Jonah didn't say anything after that. All he did, was turn off the lights. I faced the other way and closed my eyes. But I didn't sleep, I stayed up for hours worrying. Do I not do it for him anymore?


𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎 ━ DONAH AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now