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April 12, 2019. The day our two beautiful boys were born. The day had started just like any other day, and yet by the end of it we had two more reasons to smile. Let me tell you how it went.

Yara was playing up in her room, Jonah and I were making lunch. "Daniel, pass the salt." I handed him it. "You're quick," he smiled as he sprinkled it over the pasta water. "Daddy's little helper."

Jonah sent a wink my way, making me gasp. "Since when do you have a daddy kink?" I hopped on the counter. Jonah smirked as he slipped in between my legs.

"We've been married for a while, it's nice to spice things up from time to time." He started to lean up, but I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away. "No thanks." I smiled at him teasingly.

"So you're saying you don't want daddy to—" I covered my ears and scrunched up my face. "Please don't! Yara calls me that, it's so disturbing." I shook my head at him. "I told her to call me 'papa' for a reason."

I chuckled a little as I hopped off the counter. "I'll let you tie me up, I'll put on skimpy outfits for you, I'll  do anything. But no daddy kinks, thanks." I tried walking away, but Jonah grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

He leaned in, kissing me softly. "You know we don't need that. I'd drool over you even when you have your church clothes on." He caressed that side of my face, making me smile. "Yup, I'm still the luckiest man."

Jonah smirked in return and kissed me again. His soft lips were pressed against mine when we were interrupted. "Ew!" Yara giggled. We pulled away, smiling at her.

"If daddy gets to eat your face then what do I get for lunch?" Yara cocked her head, a sassy smile on her lips. "Sit down sassy pants, I'll feed you." Jonah chuckled.

I shook my head at her in amusement as I went to grab my phone. I decided to check if my mom was available to come watch Yara while Jonah and I had date night.

Instead of my mom's response, I found a message from Esme. My heart dropped immediately. She never texted unless it's important. I quickly opened it.

Esme: The twins are coming. I'm on my way to the hospital but it's no rush for you, probably gonna be a long process.

Me: We'll be there! 

I began to freak out. "Jonah!" I yelled. "What is it?" He shouted back. "Our twins are coming!" I exclaimed with excitement. I heard lots footsteps and suddenly he appeared. "What?!" His eyes widened. "We're gonna have our babies!"

Everything was a blur after that. I called Zach, asking him and Jack to come over and watch Yara. I didn't want to drag her along with us for hours. Jonah grabbed my hand, and we were out the door.

1:34 pm. Esme's water had been broken. 4 cm dilated. Contractions were a few minutes apart. Her mother had come, but the father hasn't. He didn't want to be involved.

Jonah and I sat in the waiting room. His thumb ran over the back of my hand, soothing me. We stared at the wall. My heart was beating fast, excited for what's to come.

With Yara, we never got to experience this. The rush. One moment I was so happy that they were finally going to be here. We're going to be able to hold them. The next, I was worried. What if something goes wrong?

6:17 pm. 10 cm dilated. Ready to start pushing. We wouldn't have minded to be in the room during birth, but we wanted Esme to have her privacy. No one wants two random men staring at them while they pushed a baby out of their lady parts.

7:45 pm. Wren Carson Frantzich was born. 7 pounds 3 ounces. 19 inches. Light brown hair. Brown eyes.

7:49 pm. Elliott Flynn Frantzich was born. 7 pounds 1 ounce. 18 inches. Light brown hair. Brown eyes.

Identical twins.

Jonah and I walked in, our fingers interlocked. Our babies laid on their mother's chest, eyes peacefully closed. Both of them wrapped in a yellow blanket, with matching green hats on.

8:00 pm. I fell in love. After I found Jonah, I never thought I'd be able to love someone more. That is, until I met my three beautiful angels.

April 13, 2019. 3:00 pm.  Yara met Wren and Elliott. She smiled brightly, her eyes glowing with love. "They're so tiny and cute." She placed her small finger near Elliott's hand, and when he wrapped his fingers around hers, she squealed.

April 15, 2019. Our babies were home.

I wrote this chapter in a weird time blob format cuz I'm lazy. Bye.


𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎 ━ DONAH AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now