Just After Halloween

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Halloween Just went off and I'm finding myself curled up to Harry. He is asleep and I hear his heart beat and his breathing, but that's all. I want to move but I don't want to wake Harry, but he should go to bed. I'm kissing his forehead lightly and getting up and now he is waking up.
                                     "Harry," I'm whispering.
                                     "Yeah," He is saying with a sleepy tone.
                                     "I think you should go to bed."
                                     "Yeah... Goodnight Laynie," He is saying and getting up to walk to his room. Laynie is a nickname of mine. Harry gave me that nickname.
                                     "Wait, Harry."
                                     "I never stopped thinking about you the whole time you were gone."
                                     Harry is walking over to me and looking me deep in the eyes. His emerald green eyes are stunning.
                                      "To tell you the truth, I never stopped thinking about you either," he is saying.
                                      He's not taking his eyes of of me. Now he is leaning in and kissing me. I'm shocked, but The whole time he was gone I missed him and it was like Selena Gomez says, a year without rain.

    I've been falling in love with Harry. After a second into the kiss I'm kissing back. I can't help it, he makes me feel so alive and I love it.
                                       He is breaking the kiss and saying this:
                                       "I should get to bed."
                                       "Yeah, but I call dibs on your bed."
                                        "You win dibs."
                                        " I can't sleep in there though."
                                        "Why not,"Harry is asking me.
                                        " Well, not alone anyhow."
                                        "Come on. Now Styles if you try any funny business I'll kick you out of the bed faster than you can say Yorkshire tea. Got it?"
                                        "I got it."
                                        "Good, let's go."
                                        We're going into his room and climbing into bed.
                                        I'm thinking and Selena means a year without rain as one day. I mean it as longer than that.

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