Knock, Knock Bro

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  The next day has arrived. I'm ready to start my day and I hope it is a good day today. We are all just going to do whatever.

I'm hearing someone knock on my door. I've been up for a while just sitting on my bed listening to my ipod. I was listening to Thinking Of You; by Katy Perry when someone just decided to knock on my door.
"Who is it," I'm asking.
"Someone who loves you more than a mirror."
"Zayn, come in here."
Zayn is walking in and I am giving him a good morning hug.
"I'm going to go out with Liam, Niall, and Louis today. Harry is staying here. He wants to hang out with you today. If you need me call me or text me. I'm leaving now. Love you little sis."
"Love you big bro." I am replying.
Now he is walking out the door. It's time for me to have a great day with Harry.  

(Sorry it's so short. I had to write this, because it fit in with the story.)     

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