The Mall

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We are inside the mall and are heading straight for the food court.

                We just got our food and we are sitting down to eat. So far we haven't had to run away from a mob of fans trying to chase Harry. We've only really encountered one fan so far. The cashier where we got our food recognized Harry and said that she is fan of One Direction. She told him that he has a very talented voice and asked him for an autograph. Of course, Harry gave her an autograph. I mean, he is nice enough to do that. Harry is a very nice and kind person. Anyway, the lady was nice. She told Harry that she understood that he might not want to have fans bombarding him and possibly attacking him, so she won't tell people he is at the mall. That is so nice and respectful of her. Harry thanked her for that and made sure to give her a tip.

                We are eating our food now and we are about to talk as well.

                "Are you glad to have a little bit of time off before you have to go on tour again," I am asking Harry.

                "Yeah, of course. I get to spend time with you."

                "Of course you would say that. You knew that I wanted to hear that," I am saying this jokingly.
                "No, I mean it. I'm being serious. I love spending time with you."

                "I love spending time with you, too. You know you're my best friend, right?"

                "Yeah, and other than the guys, you are my best friend, too.

                "Well, you know Zayn is my other best friend, right?"

                "Yes, I know that. He's not only your brother but one of your best friends as well."

                "You're right about that."


                "Well, listen, I'm so glad you are back for a little bit. I really did miss you while you were gone."

                "You know I missed you, too, right?"

                "Of course I know that. That was pretty obvious when you got back from the tour. I could just tell right away that you missed me when you walked through the door. I'm glad to know that you missed me. However, it does make me a little bit sad that you missed me, but it's all good now. You're back and that's all that matters right now."

                "You're so sweet."

                "I try to be."

                "I'm so glad to be back right now. Although, I will have to leave again in a few weeks," Harry is saying while sighing.

                "I know. I don't want you to leave, but you are doing what you love which is following your dream."

                "Well, if I wasn't following my dream then I wouldn't have met you."


                "Lets not talk about me leaving for tour. It makes me sad that I'll be leaving you. I wish you could come on tour with me and the rest of the guys."

                "If only I could."

                "We should finish up eating so we can go walk around the mall," Harry is saying as we are finishing up our food.

                We've finished eating and we went to the bookstore to look around. We went to F.Y.E. and I bought a movie and a magnet. Harry had to buy an Elvis CD for $5.00.
                "Does the CD have Hound Dog on it," I'm asking him.
                He is looking at the CD.
                "Yay, I like that song. Please play it when we get in the car."
                "Okay," he is saying.
                We walked into Hot Topic and I bought some buttons and a lip gloss.
                We just left the Nike store. Harry wanted to go in there and buy a hoodie.
                Now we are leaving and getting in the car.
                He is opening the Elvis CD. We are listening to Jail House Rock. It is a good song and we both like it.

                Jail House Rock just went off, now we are listening to Love Me Tender, then we are going to listen to Hound Dog.

               We didn't listen to the whole CD, because we just got back to the house before we could finish it.
               We are walking inside and nobody is home. Mom and dad are at work and the boys are out, except Harry, of course.

(Sorry it's so short. I had to write this, because it fit in with the story.)

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