Back At The House

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We're back at the house. We've decided to hang with the guys since they are here, too. We've just decided to play Nintendo Wii. We are playing Karaoke Revolution. It's Niall's turn to sing. He just picked out a song and did a great job.

                        We've been playing Karaoke Revolution for a little while so we have decided that we are going to turn off the Wii and the TV and play truth or dare.

"Who should go first?" I am asking everyone.

"Louis," Niall is answering.

"Okay, Zayn, truth or dare," Louis is asking Zayn.

"Truth," Zayn is saying like he already knew he would chose truth when it came time for him to chose either truth or a dare.

"Would you date Elaine if she wasn't your sister," Louis is asking Zayn for his truth.

"Oh, Good one," Niall is saying.

"No, she is clearly falling for Harry."

"You are too much the BFF and bro," I am saying to Zayn.

''I know," Zayn is saying back to me.

"Liam, truth or dare," Zayn is asking Liam.

"Truth," he is answering.

"Have you ever cheated on a girl?"

"Nice one," Harry is saying.

"Never, that's disrespectful," Liam is answering.

"Niall, truth or dare," Liam is asking Niall.

"Dare," he is telling Liam.

"Give us your best British accent."

He just did it and it was silly.

"Elaine, truth or dare," Harry is asking me.

"Dare," I am answering.

(Sorry it's short, but it fits in with the story, so I had to write/ type it.)... Enjoy a baby picture of Harry. :-) ;-) <3

 :-) ;-) <3

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