Movie Time

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*After you read this chapter please read the notes at the end of this chapter. **I would advise not reading the second note until you have read this chapter first, because it will spoil the chapter a little if you read the note first. It doesn't matter if you read the first note (at the end) before you read this chapter or after. It's not really going to spoil anything at all. It's just a basic note that I've used in previous chapters. (There are technically three notes in this chapter but I'm saying one and two for the ones at the end. Yes, this is a note but I'm not talking about this one, so I'm only saying one and two as per the ones at the end of this chapter.)** Thanks for reading the story and thanks for reading this chapter.*

Harry and I are going to watch a movie. I don't know which one yet. I think I'll ask him what he would like to watch.

"Harry, which movie should we watch?"
"What did you have in mind?"
"I didn't," I'm saying.
"Lets see, how about Marley & Me, Just Go With It, Dear John, or Saw?"
"Saw is stupid. It's okay, but I find it to be very dumb. It's Zayn's movie, anyhow. He wouldn't mind but I don't really like it that much. I find Saw to be dumb as to why he makes them play a game that will hurt or kill them."
"That is dumb why he makes them play his games. Also, I'm not really big into horror movies at all. Of course, you know that."
"I know that. What else did you have in mind for the horror genre?" I'm asking him. Harry is a great best friend and he is so sweet. Sometimes we watch horror movies together even though he isn't a big fan of them. He only watches horror movies if I want to. However, I don't watch a whole lot of them. I only watch certain ones. Horror movies aren't my favorite genre of movies to watch anyway.
"Carrie, The Haunting of Molly Heartly, Orphan, Chucky, Halloween 2."
'Which one would you like to see, Curly?"
"Well, how about Halloween 2?"
"Sounds good to me. Jamie Lee Curtis is a pro at those Halloween movies that she is in."
"She is really, very good at it," he is saying.
I'm putting in the second Halloween movie.
"Yes, Laynie Bear?"
"Can I ask you something?"
" Sure, anything."
"Do you have feelings for me?"
I can't believe I just came out and asked him that.
"As friends or what?"
"As more than friends," I'm saying.
"You don't, do you?"
"It's not that. It's just that I actually do and I just got to thinking that maybe you don't have those feelings for me."
"Want the truth, Harry?"
"Okay, here it goes. I have indescribable feelings for you that are more than just what I feel for you as a friend. Earlier, I was thinking, what if we just stay in the friend zone forever, but I am totally and completely in love with you and nobody else." I am exclaiming.
"That's better than what I thought I was going to hear."
"And that was?"
"That you only have feelings for me as a friend."
"Well, I do have feelings for you as more than just a friend."
The movie has been on for a little bit and we're just talking while we are watching it.
"I love you, Elaine and I want you and nobody else."
We are not officially boyfriend and girlfriend but we are being romantic around each other.
Harry is now kissing my lips. I can't help but kiss back. He is licking my bottom lip and now he is moving down to my neck and is kissing it. Right now he is back to kissing my lips and the door is bursting open and we are still kissing. The first person to come in is Niall, but he is totally ignoring us.
"Nandos in the house," Niall is shouting as he is heading toward the kitchen.
Then Louis is coming in and is now talking.
"You're watching Halloween part two without me," he is saying while looking at the TV.
Now Liam is walking through the door. "Hey guys," he is saying as he is walking towards the kitchen.
Last but not least is Zayn. He is coming in the door right now.
Harry and I are still kissing and he is licking my bottom lip again and I am slightly opening my mouth and that's when it's like magic and our tongue are dancing together gracefully. It's perfect.
I now hear Zayn stopping in his tracks.
"Elaine Cloe Malik, I can't believe this. You're snogging, Harry. Did he try his moves on you?"
I feel awkward, considering he is yelling.
"So, care to explain what on earth is going on in here," Zayn is yelling.
"Shhh, I'm watching this," Louis is saying.
"I'm in the middle of a love fest," Zayn is telling Louis.
"With who?"
"Your boo bear and my sister."
"Yes, and Harry must have tried his moves on Elaine and seems to think it's okay to go behind my back and snog my sister."
We are pulling away from kissing.
"Alright, Zayn, that's enough," I'm am now getting back at him with his exact words. "We didn't go behind your back and snog. Although, technically we did snog, but it was just a kiss." I'm saying.
"Did Harry use his moves on you," Zayn is asking me.
"No, Zayn, Harry didn't use his moves on me."
"Why were you snogging my sister," he is asking Harry.
"I was just snogging her," Harry is answering him.
"Why were you snogging my sister," Zayn is repeating the question he just asked Harry.
"I love her, okay, and I don't care what you think. She's perfect and she means everything to me and I'll snog her if I want to," Harry is yelling.
"Don't ever snog my sister again. I'll knock you flat to the ground, Styles," Zayn is saying.
"No, you won't Zayn." I am saying.
Liam is coming in the living room from the kitchen and is now speaking.
"Stop fighting," Liam is saying and at this instant everyone is stopping. We are all falling silent and nobody is speaking.

(Sorry it's short, but it fits in with the story, so I had to write/ type it.)

(*Also, Elaine did tell Harry that she loves him as more than a friend in the chapter Cupcakes. However, it's basically like they're overlooking it and not acknowledging it, almost as if it didn't happen. It's like Harry didn't notice that Elaine said that to him and it's kind of like she didn't realize she said it either. That is why she decided to tell him after the chapter Break Time, because in Break Time she thought about it her feelings towards Harry and she knew she needed to say something. She felt like she shouldn't keep it a secret anymore and she knew she needed to tell him. Nobody knew how she felt about him and once she told him he became the only other person to know, that is, until Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Niall get back to the house where Zayn blows up on Harry and Elaine for kissing.* I just wanted to explain that in case there was some confusion about Elaine telling Harry how she feels about him.)

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