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Nobody is speaking, so Liam is speaking up.

"Okay, what the heck is going on in here?"

Again, nobody is speaking.

"Well! Liam is saying in what sounds like an authoritative voice.

"Harry was snogging Elaine," Zayn is saying.

                                 "Nice one mate. You got a riot started," Louis is saying to Harry.

"This isn't all on Harry," I am saying.

                                 "Did you like it," Zayn is asking me.

I'm looking at him puzzled.

"Snogging Harry," he is saying.

"That's not any of your business," I am saying in a stern voice.

"What is all that racket," Niall is asking from in the kitchen.

"Where have you been while all of this went on," I am asking him.

"Stuffing his face," Louis is saying.

Now we are all cracking up, including Niall.

"Why are you so mad, Zayn," I am asking him.

"I guess I'm just being the over protective brother," he is answering.

"That's just great. So, now anytime I kiss Harry you're gonna get all mad," I'm asking him.

"No, just don't do it in front of me."

                                 "Deal," I am saying.

(Sorry it's short, but it fits in with the story, so I had to write/ type it.)

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