Rise and Shine

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"Rise and shine sleepy head," Harry is saying while waking me up. He's already awake but still in bed.

"Morning, Hazza," I'm saying as I'm waking up right now.

"Glad to see sleeping beauty has awaken from her slumber," he is saying.

"You're cute, Hazza."

Hazza is so cute. I love him more today than yesterday.

"What is on the agenda today," I'm asking Harry.

"I don't know yet. I've only been awake ten minutes before I decided to wake you up."

Now, out of nowhere two of the guys are bursting through the door (Louis and Niall).

"Get up, get up," They are shouting.

"We're awake," Harry is saying.

"Get up," Niall is saying.

"Oh, sorry to disturb whatever is going on in here," Louis is saying.

"Nothing's going on in here we just woke up from sleeping," Harry is replying back.

All of a sudden I'm hear Zayn turn the corner and he is standing behind Niall. I know it's him, because he is speaking now.

"What is going on in here," Zayn is asking.

"Nothing Zaynie," I am saying.

"It better be nothing. Now get up, we all decided while you two were sleeping that we're going to the beach today. Get dressed and come eat breakfast," Zayn is saying.

"Okay," I'm saying and the boys are leaving.

"They actually thought something was going on. They honestly think you're going to try funny business, Hazza," I am saying.

"I don't know, but I wouldn't dare try any funny business."

So, that is that. We're up now and I am in my room changing clothes while Harry is changing in his room.

(Sorry it's short. I had to write this, because it fit in with the story.)


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