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I want to make cupcakes now.
                "Harry do you want to help me make cupcakes," I'm asking him.
                "Sure, sounds fun."
                So, we are starting to make cupcakes.
                We have cupcake batter all over us now. We are laughing because we're covered in a cupcake mess.
                "You're a mess," Harry is saying to me.
                "So are you." I am saying to him.
                The cupcakes are in the oven, so we can eat them later. I suggested we save some for the rest of the guys and my mom and dad.
                "We should clean this mess up before anyone should see it." I say.
                "I guess so," Harry is exclaiming.
                "If we leave it here then they will think that we are sloppy pigs, well, whoever walks in here and looks at the mess," I'm saying.
                Harry is laughing and now he is speaking.
                "You are too funny, Laynie," He is saying.
"I love you as more than just friends and I really just wanted to tell you that, but I never pictured I'd be covered in a cupcake mess. I never actually pictured it at all. I just knew I wanted to say that."

"I love you, too." Harry is saying and kissing my lips lightly and I am kissing him back.

We've pulled away from kissing and now we're checking on the cupcakes.

                The cupcakes are finally done and we are taking them out of the oven to let them cool before we frost them.

(Sorry it's so short. I had to write this, because it fit in with the story.)


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