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The boys are out doing a radio interview and I am sitting here at home catching up on homework and school work. I'm home schooled and I get all my lessons sent to me. It's cool, I guess. Anyhow, I'm doing some Science homework. I have to read a paragraph and identify the things it asks me to identify.

I am halfway through the paragraph and I don't feel so good, my stomach hurts.

I just threw up in the toilet, yuck.

I miss Harry, but I'm glad he didn't have to see me like this. I feel better now that I've thrown up, but I'm a mess.

It's time for the boys to get back from their interview.

"We're back," I'm hearing them say as they are walking in the door.

"I'm just finishing up some science homework," I say as I'm finishing up writing the answer to the last question.

Now I am walking in to the living room and I see Zayn and Harry talking.

"I don't mean to bring up what happened last week but why did it bother you so much that I was snogging Elaine," Harry is asking Zayn. They are both totally ignoring my presence in the room.

"Because, I know you're best friends, but I didn't want that ruined for her and I don't want her to get hurt. Listen Harry, I know you're a good guy and I know you wont hurt her. So, are you guys like dating," Zayn is saying and asking.

"Not at the present time," Harry is saying.

"Eh em," I am saying which sounds like I am clearing my throat.

"Oh, hey Sis," Zayn is saying as he is now speaking to me.

"How much did you hear," Harry is asking me.

"It started with you bringing up last week and ended with the fact that we are not dating," I am telling him.

" Oh," Harry is saying.

"Yeah," I am saying.

"So, what now," Harry is asking.

"Well, I'm gonna go find something to do. I'll leave you two to decide what to do now," Zayn is saying as he is starting to walk away.

"Well," I'm asking Harry.

"Well," Harry is repeating what I just said.

"There's something I want."

"What is it?"

I'm walking towards Harry. No)w I am right where he is at and we are standing there facing each other. We are standing so close to each other that I can feel the warmth of his breath. I love it. The smell of his breath, it just makes me so happy and it makes me feel so good. The minty fresh scent of his breath is driving me crazy right now and it's making want to tell Harry what I want even more, so I am going to tell him exactly what I want.

"Kiss me," I am saying to Harry with emotion in my voice.

Harry is looking at me with his beautiful, emerald green eyes and he is placing his lips on mine. We are kissing and it's so perfect and right. I can't even begin to explain how much I love it. I could just stay like this in this moment forever. It's like all I want is for Harry to kiss me and never stop. When we kiss, it's like no other feeling I've ever felt before. It's a feeling I can't describe. I just want him to kiss me forever. However, I know the kiss has to end sometime.

We are pulling away and I am asking a question.

"Want to go to the park?"


So, now we are going to the park.

(Sorry it's short, but it fits in with the story, so I had to write/ type it.)

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