Arriving At The Beach

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We just arrived at the beach.
                     "I'm going for a surf," Louis is saying.
                     "I'm going to hit the boardwalk to look for some food," Niall is saying.
                     "Hey, Elaine, I'm going to go walk on the beach. Trust me people will think Liam and I are gay or something, but we are straight as a line. Come on Liam, lets go."
                     Liam and Zayn have left to go walk on the beach.
                     "What are you going to do, Harry," I'm asking him.
                     "Hang out with my best friend," he is saying.
                     "So, Curly, wanna build a sand castle," I am asking him.
                     We've built a nice sand castle.
                     "What now, curly,"I am asking him.
                     "Wanna go for a swim?"
                     "Okay," I'm replying and now we are going for a swim.
                     We see Louis in the ocean surfing the waves. He's actually a really good surfer. I thought he would fall off the board.
                     "He's a good surfer," I'm telling Harry.
                     "He really is," Harry is replying back to me.
                     "Yo, Styles, I'll race ya to the frozen lemonade," Louis says to Harry.
                     "You're on and Elaine, want one?"
                     "Water please."
                     "Got it."
                     Harry and Louis raced to the frozen lemonade stand. It was actually a tie. Although, Louis claims he clearly won.
                     I'm getting out of the water and Harry is handing me my bottle of water.
                     "Thank you, Harry," I'm saying to him while smiling. 
                     "You're welcome, Laynie."
                     "So, are you two like an item now," Louis is asking Harry.
                     "No, just friends," Harry is answering .
                     Zayn and Liam are now walking towards us.
                     "Frozen lemonade and you didn't get me one," Zayn is saying to Harry.
                     "I didn't know you wanted one."
                     "I don't, I hate frozen lemonade."
                     "Did Niall ever come back," Liam is asking us.
                     "No," Louis is answering.
                     "We better go find him," Liam is saying.
                     So, Zayn and Harry are staying behind with me.
                     "Zayn," I am saying.

                     "Yeah," he is replying.

                      "How was your walk with Liam?"

                      "It was good. We talked about how glad we are that we have a little bit of a break before the next tour. We also talked about our favorite places we visited on the tour that we were just recently on."

                       "That's cool."

                       "Yeah! So, what did you and Harry do?"

                       "We built a sandcastle, then we went for a swim in the ocean."

                        "After we went in the ocean for a few minutes Louis wanted to race me to the frozen lemonade stand. It was a tie but Louis claims that he clearly won. After that, you and Liam came back from walking," Harry is chiming in.

                        "Nice," Zayn is saying.

                        Liam just texted Zayn that they found Niall, so we are meeting up at the vehicle.

                        Liam just texted Zayn that they found Niall, so we are meeting up at the vehicle

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