At The Park

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We are at the park now and I am sitting on a bench and Harry is sitting down beside me. I just found my pack of sunflower kernels in my pants pocket and there is like less than half a pack left, so I am giving Harry some and I am taking some as well. Now, we are throwing them on the ground and feeding the birds. Harry looks so cute feeding the birds.
We are getting up from the bench where we just fed the birds and we are going to take a walk now.

"Elaine," Harry is saying.

"Yeah," I am answering.

"I love spending time with you."

"I love spending time with you, too, Hazza."

We haven't been walking long at all at this point. Right now I'm noticing Harry grabbing my hand and we are interlocking our hands.

"You don't mind, do you," Harry is asking me in a sweet voice.

"No," I am replying while blushing.

Harry is smiling and I can't help but smile, too.

"Elaine, you're blushing."


"What is it? What's up?"

"You just make me so happy and you make me feel so good inside. It's like the feeling of butterflies mixed with a warm and fuzzy feeling."

"I love that. You make me so happy, too. You make me feel good inside as well. I feel that warm and fuzzy feeling, too."

"You do?"

"Yeah, I do. When I feel it, I know I'm happy."


"Yes. Is that how you feel, too?"

"Yes, when I get that warm and fuzzy feeling, I know I am happy."

"I love it."

"I love it, too."

I'm having so much fun hanging out with Harry.

We are both stopping dead in our tracks and we are turning to face each other. Harry is leaning in and kissing me. He is licking my bottom lip and I am opening my mouth and letting him in. Our tongue's are dancing together. It's like perfect magic and I love it. I just want to stay like this forever. If the only thing I could do for the rest of my life is kiss Harry, then I would be happy with that. I'd kiss him until we couldn't breathe and when we'd come up for air I'd look into his beautiful, emerald green eyes and see my whole world and I would know where my heart belongs. I'd know that kissing him is just so right and I would plant my lips back on his and we would kiss again, knowing that's where our lips belong, together with no space in between.

Harry and I are still kissing. His kiss is making my heart race. I love the feeling of his lips on mine and the way his tongue is slowly getting tangled up with mine. The way he is kissing me is so soft and passionate and it's not rough. It's so perfect in this very moment.

Harry is starting to pull away and I am whispering against his lips, "Don't stop" and I can see the desire in his eyes to continue kissing me. With desire in his eyes, he is closing the space between my lips and his by placing his lips back on to mine. I can feel his desire for more and I can feel his tongue against my bottom lip. I know what he wants now that he is licking my lip and tracing it with his tongue and that is only making me want what he is desiring to do and what he desires to have more of, so I am giving him the entrance to my mouth by parting my lips. His tongue has entered my mouth and I can feel it against mine and I know what he wants to happen. I know he wants to entangle his tongue with mine and I want it entangled with mine, so I'm softly touching his tongue with mine and he knows that I know what he wants and that I want it, too. Now it's as if on instinct our tongues are touching each other and are getting entangled together. I'm releasing my hand from his and I'm wrapping my arms around his neck as he is swirling his tongue around mine and I'm getting this tingling feeling inside that I've never felt before. This tingling feeling is so satisfying. I never want it to go away and I never want to stop kissing Harry. He's wrapping his arms around my waist and it's only bringing us even closer to where there's no space left between us. However, there wasn't much space between us anyway. Now that we are closer, Harry is starting to trace my tongue with his. I love this feeling I am getting from having Harry's tongue on mine. This feeling is so indescribable and I don't ever want to stop feeling it, but I know we have pull away from the kiss eventually.

Harry is slowly stopping the tracing of my tongue with his and we are slowly pulling away from kissing. I'm removing my arms from around his neck and he is removing his arms from around my waist and our hands are automatically interlocking together just like we had them before and we are continuing to walk hand in hand.

We are about to walk by the restrooms.

"Harry, I have to use the restroom," I am telling him.

"Me too," he is saying to me.

We are both finished using the restroom and are continuing walking hand in hand.

"I love you, Elaine."

"I love you, too, Harry. Come on, let's go back to the house."

"Let's go."

We are on our way back to the house now.

(Sorry it's short, but it fits in with the story, so I had to write/ type it.)

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