chapter 2

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As the days passed Marinette put all of her spare time and energy in designing covers for the Kitty Section, wanting to make the best covers she could. Alya and her other girl friends helped her move on from Adrien by taking all of the pictures of him from her room and replacing them with group photos. They kept her away from him as much as possible even going as far as making sure they didn't bring his name up in any conversation they had with Marinette. While Adrien stuck with his strict schedule and spend his small amount of free time with Kagami and Nino. Ladybug and Cat Noir did their duties saving Paris each time an Akuma attacked but Ladybug left as soon as the victim had returned to normal leaving Cat Noir a little confused and sad at her distant behavior. "She didn't even say bug out... she always says bug out..." Adrien sighed as he laid in his bed with thoughts of how Ladybug was acting swimming in his head. Plagg ate his cheese with a happy expression the huffed when he looked at the blonde. "so what...? she hasn't really said anything to you all week..." "I know... maybe she is mad... she was alittle annoyed that I questioned her about revealing ourselves to each other again." The clueless blonde boy sighed again as he rolled to his side. "I should apologize next time I see her maybe that will make it better." Before Plagg could comment with a negative replied Nathalie knocked on Adrien's door. "Adrien, it's time for your Chinese lessons." He got up with another depressed sigh, "Okay..."

Marinette was busy in her room gathering all the designs she had been working on for the past two weeks clumsily before tripping and falling on her floor making paper scatter. "Whaa! Oww..." "Marinette you need to calm down, they will love your work. Just like that Jagged Stone guy did." Tikki stated with a smile. the clumsy blunette girl picked herself up and regathered her sketches. "But Luka expects me to blow their minds! I need to impress them besides... this is great practice for when I'm in university." "He will love them." The red Kwami commented as she glanced over her work. "You worked so hard on them, how could he not?" She smiled with a slight blush at the thought of Luka. "thanks Tikki." Marinette hurried to the Couffaine's boat house where Kitty Section was waiting for her. "Hey everyone!" She greeted happily trying not to sound out of breath. "Hey Mari!" Rose gave an excited wave. "Everyone is here but Adrien, he couldn't make it, I'll send him pictures and get his vote." Luka commented making Marinette nod before laying all the designs out. The band gathered around to get an eye full of her work. "I like that one!" Rose pointed out. "oh and that one and that one too!" "These are awesome... I can't pick..." Ivan commented while Juleka gave a nod in agreement. The clumsy blunette smiled then glanced at Luka wanting his opinion. "I can tell you put a lot of effort into all of these, so much of your energy and time... I knew you'd blow our minds. These are amazing... just like you." He gave a friendly smile as his hand brushed over one of her designs making her blush. "Th-thanks..." "I think we all agree we like the designs. We'll let you know which ones we pick when we talk to Adrien. I don't wanna make a decision without all the members being present." Luka stated make Marinette nod, understanding his reasons. "Right I understand... I'm glad you all like them." "They are all awesome! We'll have a hard time deciding which to choose from!" Rose claimed as she hugged her. "thanks for doing this!" "It was no problem, I enjo- before Marinette could finish her reply, screams where heard about an Akuma attack. "Hurry! everyone get blow deck!" Luka ordered as they all scattered to run down stairs to the bunkers. Marinette attempted to leave but he grabbed her hand and dragged her down below deck. "Quick Marinette!" She blushed at him holding her hand and for a moment forgot about the Akuma until she saw all her friends scared faces. "Luka..." "Ladybug and Cat Noir will save the day for now we are safe." He replied as he and Juleka shut and locked all the doors. "C-could I use your bathroom real quick...?" She asked. Luka gave a nod in reply and showed her to the bathroom before joining the others. "Tikki spots on!" She transformed before heading out the bathroom window.

When she arrived at the Louvre, Cat Noir was already locked in battle with the Akumatized victim. she quickly joined the fight without a word. "You are late LB..." He commented. "Sorry, I'm here now, let's get this over with." She apologized with a sincere smile making him grin. "after you my lady." They battled the Akumatized victim together and defeated him before fist bumping. "Ladybug I'm sorry for pushing the whole reveal who we are to each other thing... I shouldn't push it and should be content with how things are..." "oh... that... it's fine kitty now I really need to go, bug out!" She gave a wave but before she could leave he grabbed her arm. "wait... you've been really distant and in a hurry lately. what's going on?" "I've just had a lot going on lately. I'm sorry to worry you but everything is fine, I promise." She pulled away with a smile and quickly left to return to the boat house.

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