chapter 8

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Chapter 8 

A week after Marinette's date at Montmartre with luka. Ladybug and Cat Noir were on their nightly patrol, along with Rena Rouge and Carapace. They split up in two groups with Rena Rouge and Carapace going one way and Cat Noir and Ladybug going the other to cover more ground. Paris had been attacked by Akumas every day now, keeping the heroes on their toes but the night was surprisingly quiet. The heroes were starting to retire for the night with Rena Rouge and Carapace were already done for the day. Cat Noir gave a stretch and a meow like sigh. "ah the night is meant for the cats... makes me wanna go sing on a fence." Ladybug rolled her eyes but before she could reply Cat Noir tackled her. "Cat..." she muttered in an annoyed tone thinking he was playing but when she realized he wasn't moving panic set in "Cat?... Cat Noir?! Cat Noir answer me!" "Don't shout my lady..." he finally whispered before slowly rolling off her. "Cat Noir..." Her voice was weak and full of concern as her eyes filled with tears. "It was something in the shadows... I saw it and..." Cat Noir trailed off as he passed out. "he is the Assassin of Slumber." A voice called Ladybug looked from her hurt partner to see Lone Wolf standing near them. "He's working with Hawkmoth. He was a ninja wanna be that was akumatized, I've been tracking him. Stay with the cat and get the anesthesia shuriken out of his back, He's lucky the shuriken didn't hit him in the heart, it would have keep asleep until the Akuma was purified... I'll take care of the Akumatized victim until you are finished with the cat." Ladybug gave a nod before rolling the sleeping cat on his stomach and quickly pulled the steel ninja weapon from his back. She cradled him as tears ran down her face. "This was my fault... I should have been paying attention... I'm so sorry Cat..." Cat Noir shifted after a few long moments and blinked opened his eyes to see Ladybug sad wet face. "Ladybug..." "Cat! You're awake!" She hugged him tightly, he was slightly confused until the memories slowly came flowing back to him before he snuggled into her with a purr. "oh my lady... don't be upset I'm feline fin-." "You are one stupid cat... you should have just pushed me out of the way!" Ladybug pushed him away and stood. "Why would you do that? That could have seriously hurt you." "Haven't you ever heard the phrase, people do crazy things when they are in love?" Cat Noir asked with a grin only to have her slap him "you're a stupid stupid cat... how can you possibly joke about it now...? Do you know how worried I was?! Just forget it... forget it... I'm going to help Lone Wolf, just stay here until you fully recover." She ordered before swinging off after the canine superhero. Cat Noir gave a sigh as he sat cross legged on the ground "I guess I could have planned that a little better..."

Ladybug finally caught up with Lone Wolf who was locked in battle with the Assassin of Slumber in an opened valley isolated from builds and civilians. She attacked from behind to assist him but the Akumatized villain was too quick and dodged before distancing him from the heroes. "Cat Noir should be joining us soon, do we have a plan?" "I don't need the cat. Follow my lead and when I give the signal get behind me." He stated. Ladybug was a little confused but gave a nod in response before fighting along side her newest comrade. Cat Noir soon arrived after a short rest and watched his comrades fight, he was amazed and slightly jealous at how well Lone Wolf and Ladybug fought together. "It took me and Ladybug months of fighting together to be that in sync... and this is their first time fighting together like this...." He was about to join when he saw Ladybug jump behind Lone Wolf and the canine superhero let out a booming echo boom sound directly at victim knocking him back, slightly stunning him and destroying his weapon pouch to free the Akuma in the process for Ladybug to purified the butterfly with a smile causing things to go back to normal but unlike before the victim used a smoke bomb and escape the scene. Cat Noir quickly approaching "what happened?" "You have defeated him before, he will go back to Hawkmoth to get Akumatized again into another villain for another reason. That is why I've been tracking him but he avoids being captured at all cost by running away and I can't read him well which keeps my guard up..." The dog themed hero replied. "and you are just now telling us this?" He questioned slightly annoyed. "Cat... he probably hasn't had time with tracking this guy beside... it's not like he is part of our team, he does his own thing." Ladybug commented. "Why are you taking his side? You know I'm right he should have told us regardless, it's dangerous for that guy to keep getting Akumatized especially if it's as powerful as this last one." before she could reply Lone Wolf's last phase of the moon on his choker collar began to beep and he left swiftly before Ladybug turned to Cat Noir. "What was that? he helped us out tonight while you were extremely reckless... you shouldn't be so rude to him, he's the reason I figured out what happened with you and practically saved you, you could be more thankful." "It wouldn't have happened in the first place if he would have told us... he needs to communication with us more." "He would have if he had time, he did the best he could in the situation... he is still a rookie he is going to screw up." she claimed with her hands on her hips. "Maybe you should be partners with him then.... you too seem awfully chummy all of a sudden for not knowing him, for all you know he could be working for Hawkmoth." He muttered and crossed his arms. "I could say the same for Rena Rouge or Carapace as well but they aren't... and neither is he, I can feel it. you shouldn't be so jealous Cat, we are partners you and me. He is only back up." She stated and touched his shoulder before her earrings beeped "I gotta go... we can talk more later." She slung away leaving Cat Noir alone. 

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