chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It had been a few weeks now that Adrien and Nino had not been hanging out and that he made up with Kagami but despite the clueless blonde boy still being somewhat angry towards Nino and Cat Noir still feeling threatened by Lone Wolf, he had made two important decisions after pacing in his room day after day. "Today is going to be the day Plagg!" He announced making the black Kwami give him a rather sleepy look. "Day of what the national cheese festival?" "No... I've decided it's time to make up with Nino! I'm really starting to miss him I mean Kagami is great and all but... I really miss my bro." Adrien replied with a small sigh. "I can't believe those words just came out of your're so sappy" Plagg said as he gave a sour expression. "I have no time for your comments! We need to get to school." "Yeah yeah I know..." Once at school Adrien quickly approached the DJ who was talking with Ivan. "Nino, Ivan hey!" He greeted with a smile. "Hey Adrien." Ivan replied but Nino stayed quiet and avoided eye contact. "Nino... I'm sorry for getting so worked up.... I... I can't explain why I got annoyed with your comments but I am sorry and I'll try to control my anger more so... what do you say? Can we be buds again?" The clueless blonde asked. The DJ looked at his sad eyes and sighed. "Yeah man... but your really need to talk to someone about your issues... even if it's not me but to someone." "I will, I promise so... after school what do you say to video games at my place?" Nino couldn't help but smile and gave a nod. "You got it buddy." "Great, I'll see you in class. I have to go meet Kagami!" The clueless blonde waved bye to his friend before leaving making Ivan scratch his head. "Shouldn't some body tell him?" "No dude he has to find out for himself. It's best that way." The DJ claimed. "Okay well I don't get it... but whatever. I'll see you later." The drummer said with a shrug as he walked off.

Marinette was showing Alya the rough sketches of the Luka inspired clothing with a smile on her face making the blogger adjust her glasses. "Girl! These are great! I bet he's going to love them! Not to mention feel honored to be the inspiration for such cool clothes!" The blogger claimed as she shut the book. "Thanks... I like how they turned out but I was kind of hoping to talk to you about something else..." The clumsy blunette girl replied with a nervous tone. Alya gave a concern looked. "What's up girl? You know you can talk to me about anything! That's what best friends are for!" "Well I know you and Nino are pretty private about your relationship but I was wondering... when did you share your first kiss?" The blogger was surprised by her personal question but smiled. "Our third date but every couple is different so don't worry about it girl. It's obvious he likes you, I'm sure he'll make the move if not maybe you should." "M-me? I... I don't think I could I mean... what if I screw it up by making a fool of myself? I could accidentally headbutt him or I miss his lips completely and make things weird? I'm scared I'll goof things up!" Marinette whined as she hit her forehead on her desk. Alya shook her head in disbelief then touched her shoulder. "Girl... you are over thinking it... it's not a big deal. You just have to go for it. Regardless how it is, he'll be flattered that you made the first move." The clumsy blunette girl gave a sigh but did her best to smile. "Yeah maybe but I'm just not sure..." "ya know when Nino and I started dating, I asked my parents for advice. They gave me some tips, helped me figure out what I wanted in my relationship and helped me figure out the boundaries I wanted to keep in my relationship so maybe you should talk to your parents about it. They seem to be a good couple role model to follow." The blogger commented. "You are right. I'll give it a try, thanks." The clumsy blunette girl replied with a small smile. "No worries girl! Happy to help!" Alya returned the smile right before the bell rang.

Adrien was having a rather good day despite the past confusing anger. Kagami noticed immediately and was pleased to see him back to his usual self for the time being. During their free period they sat in the library as Kagami suggested. "I'm happy to see you are smiling again. It suits you better." "It feels good... I'm happy Nino and you forgave me. I don't know what I'd do." "You would be sad and lonely." Kagami claimed making him laugh just a little. "Yeah... you are right." "Where is Nino anyways?" The blunette fencer asked looking around the quiet library. "With Luka. Kitty Section has a new CD about to release and he is getting all the details from Luka since he's kind of the leader of the band. I'll see Nino after school, we have plans." "I see... that is good, you need sometime with him since you haven't hung out in awhile." he smiled and glanced up from his study guide. "Yeah it will let us catch up some but we still have plans this weekend right?" "Yes. You haven't had dinner at my place yet so I'm looking forward to it." The blunette fencer gave a nod before opening her history book. Adrien smiled at her a moment before glancing back at his study guide

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