chapter 3

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Luknette love story

The fashion designer

&The electric guitar player

Chapter 3

Marinette worked on the new album cover for the past few days in between saving Paris as Ladybug and school work as a normal school girl giving her little time with friends but she looked forward to her pool day with the girls. Adrien on the other hand stayed busy with his schedule spending what little spare time he had with Nino with Kagami being too busy to spare any time. "Everyone is going to the pool this weekend you think your old man would let you go?" Nino questioned as they did homework together. "Probably not... unless I invite Kagami, that's cool right if she comes?" "Yeah I don't care dude... Chloé will probably cause a scene though. She been pouting since you've been hanging out with Kagami." The DJ replied. "She'll get over it in time, she's just not good at sharing she was like that when we were kids too." Adrien claimed with a smile before grabbing his phone to call Kagami. Nino watched slightly amused that his clueless blonde friend had even noticed that he was falling hard for the blunette fencer.

At the end of the week Marinette rushed to the Couffaine's boat house to show the band the album cover. They were as impressed as they where with her last designs. Luka paid her happily and they stared at each other for a moment until Rose spoke. "I can't wait to go to the pool tomorrow it will be so much fun!" Marinette smiled as they began to talk of their pool plans then glanced back at Luka. "Are you going?" "I don't think so, it's not really my thing..." the electric guitar player admitted slightly disappointing the clumsy blunette. "Awe! But Luka you have to come! Marinette is going to be wearing her super cute new swimsuit!" Rose whined making Marinette blush. "R-Rose!" "What? Ivan and Mylène, Alya and Nino, Nathaniel and Marc are all going to be hanging out like a triple date! Alix and Kim will probably be hanging out daring each other while Max and Sabrina will be avoiding getting in the pool. If Adrien comes I'm sure he'll bring Kagami so that leaves Mari all alone! You have to come Luka!" Marinette gave a sigh disappointed now knowing that she wouldn't get the girl time she wanted. "and here I thought it would be a girls day... great.. " Luka frowned at her sad look and touched her shoulder. "I'll come if the whole band is going to be there, it might not be my thing but it will be fun with everyone hanging out." His words made the clumsy blunette give a small smile. "okay..."

The next day Adrien picked Kagami up at her place and his mouth dropped open slightly as his green eyes went wide at her stunning red sundress. He only ever saw her in her fencing uniform or her black and red school uniform. "What's wrong?" Kagami questioned with a raised brow at his stare. "N-nothing nothing you just look... well good." She smiled at his complement. "Thanks, you too. I don't think I've ever seen you in shorts before." the clueless blonde looked down with a slight blush abd rubbed his arm. "Yeah... I've never been to the pool before... Nino helped me pick out my white tshirt and green and white swim trunks..." Kagami gave a laugh at his reply. "that doesn't sound weird at all... Nino did good regardless." Adrien was slightly embarrassed but smiled happy to hear her laugh for the first time.

Marinette met Alya and Nino at the pool and hugged her best friend before looking around seeing all her friends having a good time; Ivan and Mylène were sharing a snowcone by the pool side, Alix and Kim played one on one pool volleyball, Nathaniel, Marc and Juleka sat in the shade avoiding the sun, watching Rose swim. Max and Sabrina talked while Sabrina held Chloé's umbrella. Alya and Nino walked off leaving Marinette in a daze to go for a swim but when Marinette felt a tap on her shoulder she jumped dropping her beach bag. "L-Luka!" He gave a chuckle and picked up her bag. "I guess I should have just said hi, sorry." "It's okay... I was kind of out of it." The clumsy blunette girl admitted with a blushed as she looked over his attire, he wore a black Jagged Stone tshirt and dull blue swim trunks. "Um n-nice shirt." "Thanks it's one of my older ones so I figured it'd be safe to wear. You look pretty cute.... I like to see your hair down. I've never seen it down before, It looks good on you." Marinette blushed increased at his comment but had no reply unsure what to say, Luka noticed and smile as he looked around. "so what do you do at the pool?" "Um well... there is swimming of course, all sorts of pool games to play, there's a snack stand were you can get cold snacks like ice cream and snowcones, sunbathing um..." Luka laughed cutting her off from listing. "I meant you as in you personally." "Oh... me? I swim around the pool a few times maybe play a pool game until I get tired then get a snack before tanning." She replied. "Let's go for a swim then." He took off his shirt and threw it aside as he walked to the pool making her blush. "Mari, you coming?" The electric guitar player called to her making her shake her head slightly before following him but as she walked towards the pool she slipped in a puddle of water and almost fell, Luka attempted to catch her which caused both of them to fall in the pool together making a large splash. Their friends cheered and applauded at them for causing a large splash while Marinette and Luka shared a laugh. "I guess that's one way to get in." "Yeah um s-sorry to fall on you..." "No harm done let's swim." She gave a small nod before they began to swim in the pool, talking of different things as they did until they heard Chloé scream. "Adrikins!! You made it!" She ran to him and hugged him quickly. Adrien gave a light smile "hey..." The bossy blonde frowned at the sight of Kagami next to him. "Why did you bring her?! I thought this would be a date! Three is a crowd!" "Chloé... Kagami is my friend too if you can't be nice, I'm not going to hang out with you." He said firmly. "She's awesome. If you hang out with her you'll see it too. you should give her a chance..." He smiled at Kagami making Chloé run off in tears making Sabrina run after her. Adrien gave a sigh. "Come on let's go for a swim, she just needs to cool off..." Kagami stripped from her sundress showing no shyness and making the clueless blonde's face turn red at the sight of her red halter swimsuit. "What?" She questioned making him shake his head. "N-nothing... I just need to go for a swim." Kagami followed him to the pool and jumped in before him, splashing him slightly. he gave a small laugh before jumping in after her.

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