chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Adrien stared at the cute brunette in front of him speechless until she walked closer to him. "You are looking good as always..." "Lila... what are you doing here? You kind of just disappeared..." "I'm sorry about that but I had a lot to do... so do you wanna hang out?" "Uh well..." Adrien gave his best smile and rubbed his neck awkwardly but before he could reply Kagami walked through the front door. "I would love to but first Kagami and I have fencing practice. We can hang out afterwards uh... just stay here for me please and I'll be back shortly okay?" The blunette fencer looked at the scene playing out before her by the nervous blonde and the flirty brunette. "I'm sorry I'm late Adrien, shall we go?" Adrien rushed to Kagami's side and put a friendly arm around her. "of course! Lila just... just wait here and make yourself at home. I'll be right back, I promise just.. stay right here for me please." Lila frowned for a moment then gave a smile as she began to play with her hair. "I would love to watch you practice could I?" "Maybe another time. I need Adrien at his best and you'll only be a distraction." Kagami stated harshly. "She's right well... we need to go bye!" The clueless blonde grabbed the blunette fencer's hand before leaving out giving Lila no room to protest. He dragged Kagami to her car and they spoke not a word until they were being driven to the Tsurugi's residence. "You have the best timing..." he said letting out a sigh of relief. "my schedule cleared up so I thought I'd come by, now would you care to explain?" The blunette fencer asked. "Lila use to go to school with me and developed a crush on me while she was there but she lied about... well... I guess everything to everyone. She told lies about Ladybug which upset her and made Ladybug confront her... long story short Lila was Akumatized and the whole city was endangered because of it after she was purified she was still angry at Ladybug and disappeared. I think she's returned to get revenge on Ladybug..." Adrien explained in a serious tone. "And perhaps try to win you over... she looked like she was into you." Kagami commented. "Maybe but that doesn't matter right now Paris is in danger with her here, I wish we could warn Ladybug and her team somehow..." The clueless blonde boy said in a worried flustered tone making her touch his face. "It will be okay... we will think of something." Adrien gave her a warm look before he began to think. the car ride was quiet until an idea popped in his head. "She wants me... if I just maybe pretend to like her until Ladybug gets word then she can stop her before things get out of hand, if I keep her happy she won't be Akumatized and Volpina won't try to destroy Paris." "Are you sure you wanna do that? If she catches on she might try to get revenge on you too." The blunette fencer questioned in an unsure tone. "It's the only way... now I need to go home and deal with Lila, I'll see you at school okay?" Adrien smiled making Kagami agree with a sigh. "okay..."

Marinette and Luka sat together watching old movies and feeding each other popcorn on the Couffaine's boat house couch alone until the clumsy blunette's phone rang making her jump. She answered it quickly with a sigh. "Alya now isn't a good time I'm wit- "Mari you won't believe the scoop I got girl!! Lila is back!" The blogger shouted interrupting her friend. Marinette dropped her phone as the words echoed through her head. "Lila..." "What's wrong Marinette?" Luka asked with a look of concern as he picked up her phone. "Luka... I think Ladybug is going to need Lone Wolf's help..." "okay? Whats going on? Your emotions are going crazy..." Marinette quickly grabbed her phone from him and pulled up a picture of the Italian girl to show him. "Lila is a girl who was Akumatized. She was the closest out of all the Akumatized victums in getting my Miraculous and hates Ladybug with a passion... I know she's here for revenge and Ladybug would like Lone Wolf to keep an eye on her to see what she is up to. I know it can't be good and Ladybug will need him to report back as soon as he senses something fishy." "Anything the bug ask the dog will be happy to do. Lone Wolf will see what he can sniff out just relax okay?" The electric guitar player put a comforting arm around her shoulders and gave her a side hug before standing up. "I'll call you later tonight." The clumsy blunette girl gave a small smile and nod. "Okay..." "you know our orders Kkane, nose up!" Luka transformed into Lone Wolf before Marinette's eyes making her smile grow. The dog themed hero looked at her before jumping out the nearest window and disappearing. "Are you sure about this Marinette?" Tikki asked. "He is only back up..." "That's what makes him perfect for the job, Lila won't be suspicious if she sees him since she's never seen him before which I doubt she will." The red Kwami gave a nod and smile. "that was very clever but what will we do now with Luka gone? you planned on spending the whole day with him..." "We should go home for now. We don't need to do anything hasty." The clumsy blunette girl replied before she stood and stretched. "Good thinking Marinette." Tikki replied before zooming into Marinette's bag as they left the boat house.

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