chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The school days dragged on with Marinette work hard on her present for Luka while Tikki watched happily. She keep the surprise a secret from Luka and even Alya not wanting the word of the gift to get out. Adrien tried to juggle avoid thinking about Ladybug and ignore his angry feelings towards Lone Wolf at the same time by filling his mind with other things. He found it difficult but knew he had to try if nothing else.

On Friday before school Adrien got dressed in one of his father's newest designer clothes. He a photo shoot schedule and he usually wasn't too thrilled about photo shoots but today Kagami would be coming with him he felt more eager about having his picture taken knowing he could look out and see someone smiling back at him. "Your photo shoots always drags on... I don't know what the big deal is there just pictures... and not even interesting pictures..." Plagg muttered in a sleepy tone unhappy to be woke up early. "Kagami is going to be there Plagg stop delaying... we have to go!" "But I haven't even had breakfast yet..." "You can eat in the car." Adrien claimed before grabbing him and ran out to his car. "Geez why so eager the only good thing about today as that you get to miss your first class..." the black Kwami muttered as he ate. Vincent already had everything set up waiting for the clueless blonde boy at Tuileries Garden. "Ah good good you are finally here! Now let us begin." Adrien smiled at the photographer then looked around for Kagami. "Where is she?" "The blunette cutie is still getting ready. We will take your solo photos first. Now give me that dazzling smile, come come show me the smile." "Getting ready?" He questioned making Vincent sigh. "Yes... that's what I said now, give me the smile when dad buys you a puppy!" Adrien did his best to smile for the camera and pose in the ways Vincent told him to but the moment he saw Kagami step out of the make up trailer he felt starstruck and couldn't help but stare at how she looked in the red flowy dress. "Wow..." "bravo! Incroyable! Ah yes yes just like that!" Vincent shouted as he took photos of Adrien's expression but the clueless blonde paid the photographer no mind all his focus was the the blunette fencer that walked towards him. "My face feels heavy... I never really wear make up like this." Kagami admitted bring him back to reality. "Oh well... you look nice I mean you always look nice but the make up doesn't look bad..." she smile at him. "Thanks." "I didn't know you were going to be taking photos with me." "I didn't either but that camera man insist...." the blunette fencer claimed before Vincent clapped his hands. "Okay okay loving gaze at one other like true love gaze, come come show me the gaze." Adrien could feel his face heat up as he looked at Kagami warmly. "charmant! charmant! Oh so romantique!!" The photo shoot continued until Vincent let out a happy sigh as he looked at the photos. "Ah that will do it for now! You two make such a lovely couple... I will need more photos of you together next time!" Adrien wanted to shout after him to tell him they were just friends but the photographer was already gone making him sigh. "I'm going to change... then we can go to school." Kagami said before going to the make up trailer. "Yeah okay..."

Marinette sat eagerly in classes watching the time tick away. Alya noticed and smiled knowing she wasn't going to get any information out of the girl after days of trying. "You still have to wait a whole another day before giving him whatever you are gong to to give so you might as well chill out... the teacher is going over test reviews you might wanna listen." "I can't help it! I'm so excited I can't wait to see this face when he sees it!" The clumsy blunette tried to keep her voice down and gave a large smile to her friend. Alya rolled her eyes. "Yes yes I know... it's all you have talked about it since you figured out what you were going to get him..." "I'm sorry... I'm just so excited..." "it's cool girl, I get it. I hope he likes what you got him." The blogger smiled making Marinette smile in return. "Me too..."

At lunch Marinette sat with Rose and Juleka as usual, listening to Rose go on her new microphone and other random things. "Oh Mari by the way, did you finish Luka's gift yet?" She finally asked. "Yes I didn't I'm going to give it to him tomorrow. I really appreciate your help with it." "No problem! I'm so excited for him to see it! He's going to love it!" The bubbly blonde girl practically squealed before leaning on her girlfriend with a happy sigh. Juleka gave a nod in agreement. "He'll be happy just to get something from you... he's cool like that." The clumsy blunette girl smiled grateful to have friends such helpful friend until Adrien stopped by here table. "Hey... Marinette... I'm sorry about my out burst the other day... that wasn't me... I mean it was me bu- "It's okay. I overreacted. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have gotten so upset." "I shouldn't have spoken like that about him... well anyways do you maybe wanna hang out after school? Nino, Alya, and myself are going to Kagami's place after school." "Thanks for the offer but I can't I have to babysit for a few hours." "Oh okay well... maybe next time." The clueless blonde boy gave a sad smile and walked back over to his lunch table.

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