chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Marinette was late for school once again and even ran into a laser shooting Akuma that froze people. She quickly ran from the villain giving her no time to transform, wishing Cat Noir and the others would show up soon to help. When the villain finally had her cornered it gave an evil laugh and shot a laser beam directly at her, having no choice Marinette braced herself for the hit but luckily Lone Wolf showed up and blocked the attack with a spin of his chain before swiftly picking the clumsy blunette girl up and rushing her to a safe location. he said nothing as he carried her away but Marinette didn't mind she just smiled with a light blush as she listened to his steady heart beat. Cat Noir showed up to fight the Akuma but instead saw Lone Wolf carrying Marinette instead, he narrowed his cat eyes in a jealous manner. "that dog is stealing my spotlight and my princess... I'm starting to not like this canine..." he muttered before going after the Akuma. Lone Wolf took Marinette to a subway tunnel and swiftly left before she could thank him. He joined Cat Noir in holding the Akuma back from hurting anymore citizens but Cat Noir was less then thrilled to see him helping. "I thought you were only back up... why are you here?" "You and the others were late. I had to get civilians to safety and with the others not here yet you'll need some help." He claimed in an nonchalant tone. "I don't need your help Wolfie go chase your tail..." Cat Noir said rudely before he charged at the laser shooting Akuma. Lone Wolf watched for a moment but left when Rena Rouge and Carapace showed up to help, Ladybug showed up minutes later and apologized for her tardiness. "Sorry I'm late." "Don't sweat it Ladybug we were all kind of late showing up to this fight." Rena Rouge commented. Ladybug gave a nod and joined  the battle eagerly. "No furries my lady I total have this." Cat Noir said in a cocky tone making Carapace roll his eyes before shielding the cat themed hero from a laser beam attack. "Yeah I can see that..." Ladybug commented while Rena Rouge gave a snicker. "Thanks shelly!"  Cat Noir gave a sheepish grin before quickly jumping back into the fight. They defeated the Akuma and fist bumped as things went back to normal but as they looked at the saved victim they were surprised to see him already gone. They looked at each other in confusion. "Has that happened before?" Carapace questioned. Cat Noir gave a shrugged in response. "Maybe he was late for something..." "speaking of late I need to go, bug out." Ladybug gave a wave before hurrying to school and detransforming behind some bushes. She casually went to  class with a smile, luckily she wasn't the only one late due to the Akuma attack and didn't get scolded which she was somewhat grateful for. "I'm guessing you got a glimpse of the Akuma that attacked this morning huh? I got some scenes from it to put on my ladyblog." Alya commented. Marinette gave a nod and smiled "yes, luckily Ladybug and her team arrived in time to save the morning." "And speaking of heroes girl! Not only has Rena Rouge and Carapace proven to be permanently part of the Ladybug team but have you heard of the newest hero? I couldn't get any scenes of him but I have a theory he was the white suited guy that helped defeat Volpina. he looked super cool but also by the book type of guy ya know? There hasn't been alot of sightings of him, he seems so mysterious... it's kind of hot." The blogger commented then laughed. "don't tell Nino I said that..." Marinette gave a small laugh. "your secret is safe with me."

Adrien arrived late but ended up walking into school with Nino which he was glad of. "Hey man the Akuma make you late too?" "Yeah... froze my car and everything." Adrien said as he rubbed his head. "That stinks buddy..." Nino commented as they walked together and continued to talk of the attack that took place this morning before Kagami approached them. "I need to go see if Alya is here yet, later." The DJ smiled as he walked off leaving Kagami alone with Adrien. "Morning." "Morning." He smiled as they continued their way to class. School continued as normal, Kagami and Adrien walked to their classes together until Kagami saw Marinette struggling with her locker. "Adrien you shoul- she was cut off when she saw Alya open her friends locker with a shake of her head. "What?" The blonde boy questioned. "Never mind... I was going to suggest you to help Marinette but looks like Alya's has it covered." The blunette fencer replied. "Alya is pretty cool if you can get past her ladybug obsession and Marinette is really sweet if you can handle her awkwardness. I think you could be friends with them, they are pretty easy to get along with." Adrien replied with a smile. "maybe... we should get to class. I can't be late." "Right, after you..."

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