chapter 5

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Chapter 5

When school rolled around, Adrien went on and on to Nino about his fun filled weekend with a bright smile on his face. The DJ was glad to see his friend being able to enjoy life. "That sounds awesome dude!" "You wanna go rock climbing?" The clueless blonde boy asked. "no thanks... that's a lot of work but I wouldn't mind going skydiving or bungee jumping." Nino said with a smile. "Sky diving would be fun... I'm going rafting this weekend, I can't wait." Adrien replied with a smile. "Sweet... rafting is fun buddy, you'll love it." The DJ claimed as they continued to walked to class together. "Kagami planned it so I'm sure I will, what are you doing this weekend?" "Alya and I have plans not sure what they are yet though. She wants to go on a double date with Marinette and Luka sometime soon." "Double date... that sounds fun." "I would say you and Kagami could join us but I'm not sure if Marinette would be okay with that yet..." "Kagami and I on a date? We aren't dating Nino don't be ridiculous... I couldn't ask her on a date, I'm in love with Ladybug..." Adrien said with a laugh. The DJ just looked at him for a moment as if he was confused but before he could think of a reply the bell rang and the teacher walked into the class room. 

Marinette was humming the song Luka wrote for her as she doodled in her notebook while Alya watched curiously with a smile on her face until she finally snatched the notebook away making the clumsy blunette yell. "Alya!" "Girl you are in a day dream... you already got that song stuck in my head now... what are you drawing?" The blogger questioned as she looked at the notebook page in curiosity and saw the paper covered in hearts making her raise her brow. "Luka and Marinette Couffaine?? Axel Couffaine? Erika Couffaine? Milo Couffaine? Thinking of the future already Marinette?" The clumsy blunette blushed a deep shade of pink at her teasing tone. "Well... I c-can't use Hugo, Emma, or Louis anymore, those are the names I picked out when I thought of marrying Adrien... it would feel wrong to keep them now." "You only been on one date and you are planning your entire life together?... you are crazy girl..." Alya shook her head with a smile knowing her friend meant well.

During a free period Adrien sat in the library with Kagami working on a study guide for an upcoming test. "Thanks for doing this with me... I know this isn't exactly what anyone wants to do during free time but my schedule is booked after school I have no time for a surprise study guide to complete..." "No need to thank me. I'm in the same situation after all." The blunette fencer stated as she worked. The clueless blonde watched with a smile and felt the want to complement her at how poised she looked while just simply sitting there but unsure how to go about it or even why he wanted to complement her, if he was Cat Noir it would be no issue but as Adrien the cat had his tongue. "The study guide won't do itself..." Kagami stated firmly bringing him back from his thoughts. "Right right... sorry..." the clueless blonde went back to work trying to focus on the study guide instead of the girl in front of him.

After school Luka met Marinette by her locker. She smiled happy to see him. "Hey..." "hey, I was wondering... could I walk you home?" He asked slightly awkward with a rub of his neck. "Sure I'd really like that..." they walked hand in hand to the bakery, talking of their day at school and plans for future dates. "I think that will be fun! I can't wait!" She smiled excitedly. "Yeah...  Saturday can't come quick enough. Maybe in the near future I can take you to a concert. My mom is always getting tickets. It wouldn't be an actual date with my family being there but it would still be fun." Luka commented making her smile grow. "Really? that would be great! I'd love that!" "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" The electric guitar player stated as he let go of her hand and that's when Marinette realized they were in front of her house. "Oh right... that's where we were walking.... I mean er um bye!" He gave a chuckle as he left. "You are such a funny girl." The clumsy blunette gave a happy sigh and watched him leave before going inside.

The school days went by as normal with the occasional Akuma attack. Adrien went about his schedule with thoughts of the fun filled weekend plans Kagami had made for them. Marinette did her best to show up on time for school but day dreamed of her dates with Luka. The fun filled weekends passed by with Adrien spending all of his time with Kagami; taking cooking classes and art classes, going to plays and musicals together. Kagami got him to step out of his comfort zone by trying foreign food and he even found some he enjoyed. She also took Adrien bungee jumping and other fun activities he had never gotten the chance to experience before. Marinette went on a date with Luka every Saturday which helped their feelings and bond grow. They went to the movies, art shows, small music festivals, and fashion shows. They would occasionally eat dinner at each other's house and walk from school together. While Ladybug and her team kept the city of Paris safe from Hawkmoth's Akumas.

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