chapter 12

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Luknette love story

The fashion designer

&The electric guitar player 

Chapter 12

School went by as usual until the amazingly odd day that Chloé Bourgeois didn't show up for school. Marinette thought her life couldn't get any better then it was at that moment. "Today is going to be the best day! Today is going to be an awesome day!" Today is going to be great! Couldn't get any better since I don't have to see Chloé's face!" Alya laughed as the clumsy blunette girl walked down the hall happily to her first class. "Girl... and I thought I couldn't see you any happier." "Can you really blame me? Chloé is always here at school by now and she isn't here! she always makes school hard but today the sun is shining on me!!" Marinette said with a smile. "She could be late..." Alya commented making the clumsy blunette girl scoff. "the famous Chloé Bourgeois late? As if... she would never show up late." The blogger laughed at her Chloé impression before they took their seats but just as the bell rang the door was kicked open shocking the students and teacher. A blonde haired girl in a yellow black striped suit strutted in and stood on the desk. "I am Chloé Bourgeois, and from now on, I'll be your new superhero Queen Bee! You can bow before me now." Marinette's mouth dropped open along with a few others while Sabrina bowed dramatically. "My queen!" "Chloé... what is the meaning of this? Why are you dressed up like that?" Miss Bustier asked. "Call me Queen Bee! I have the Bee Miraculous thingy, I am a superhero like Ladybug and now that I'm a superhero Cat Noir and I can be Paris's super hero power couple!" Chloé shouted with a large smile on her face then gave a dream like sigh. "I don't know what you are going on about but you are late and you need to take your seat, class has already begun." Miss Bustier stated. "You can't tell me what to do civilian! I am Queen Bee!" While Chloé argued with the teacher Marinette slipped out of class and ran out of school. "Where are we going?" Tikki asked. "Shouldn't we do something about Chloé?" "She should be fine for now but first I need to talk to master Fu and see what is going on! I don't wanna make the same mistake I made with Lila. I need to make sure before starting anything with Chloé." The clumsy blunette girl replied, hoping she made the right choice. When she arrived at master Fu's house she pounded on the door repeatedly until a man answered the door. "Where is master Fu? It's an emergency!" The man at the door sighed. "He's not in... I made a terrible mistake..." "Where is he? I need to talk to him! A nasty girl is going around claiming she is the bee Miraculous holder!" Marinette said in a panicked tone. "I gave her the Miraculous... I over heard her wishing to be a hero to protect the one she love and to win them over... her heart seemed pure." "What?! Who are you and how could you give the Miraculous to Chloé of all people?!" Marinette shouted at him. "I am Jin... I will be the Guardian of the Miraculous after Fu. She seemed genuine and wished to make her dream come true. I made a mistake, I know that now master Fu went to get the Miraculous back." Jin said with a bow before Marinette ran off again.

While Queen Bee was turning her fellow students into her personal servants Adrien fled the classroom to transform. Cat Noir waltzed into the Collège class room with a smirk. "Hey Chloé, nice stripes." "Oh Cat Noir!" Queen Bee giggled then hugged him tightly. "You make a cool bee and all but I perfur Chloé not Queen Bee..." he said with a gentle tone as he pulled her off. "But I can help you now! I don't have to be the damsel in distress, I can be a hero!" Chloé claimed. "You and me can be a team! Forget Ladybug she never appreciated you... not the way I do..." Queen Bee claimed. while she was distracted by Cat Noir. Nino and Alya saw there chance to escape while their teammate stalled. "Ladybug and I are a team, there's nothing that I can do to change that... and I wanna protect you uh... it gives me meaning, a king has to protect his queen right? so... please Chloé, take the Miraculous off and give it too me." Cat Noir said with a cat like grin. The bossy blonde narrowed her eyes. "You love her more then me?! You wanna be with her more?!" "No of course not..." the cat themed hero claimed with his hands being in defense position but she pushed him away. "Liar! I know you always flirt with her!" "Calm down your royal beeness..." Carapace called to her. "Yeah no need to get your stinger bent out of shape. We know the cat prefers civilian women over superheroes, that's why he and Ladybug never got together. She is way too strong for him... he needs someone he can protect... someone to make him feel like a real hero." Rena Rouge claimed with a smile and her hands on her hips. Cat Noir frowned at the fox themed heroine's comments. "I wouldn't say that's the reason..." "I can be better then Ladybug! I will be better then Ladybug! You will see! Once I defeat her and take over as leader then nothing will be in my way! Cat Noir and I can be together saving Paris!" Queen Bee shouted before throwing her trompo and riding out of school making Cat Noir cross his arms with a sigh. "She missed the point... I don't think she was even listening to what I said." "We have to stop her let's go. I have a plan." Rena Rouge said leading her teammates out of the school.  

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