chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The next morning Marinette woke surprisingly early and quickly made her way to master Fu residence, Guardian of the dormant Miraculous. Marinette firmly knocked on his door and he answered with a surprised look and gave a look around. "What are you doing here?" "I need to talk to you, it's important." "Very well come in come in." Master Fu let her in feeling a bit concerned by her stern face and serious tone. "Is something wrong with Tikki?" He asked before Tikki popped out of Marinette's bag happily to greet him. "She's fine. I encountered the holder of the dog Miraculous last night at least that's what I believe he was..." she replied as she took a seat in his living room. "You must mean Lone Wolf, I recruited him to help, you have already met the fox and the turtle but I will recruit more heroes if needed as time goes on. Hawkmoth is getting more reckless this last attack could have been your defeat. The dog isn't part of the main Miraculous nor is he part of the team and I doubted Hawkmoth would expect him especially since he stays in the shadows, only coming when needed. He might seem standoffish but that's his alternate ego coming out in him. he has a kind heart and possesses the gift of Empathy which gives him an edge when helping the Akumatized victims." He explained making her nod. "I understand why you chose him... he was a good choice. I know who he is... I knew it the moment I looked into his eyes." "I see now why you have come to me... you know who Rena Rouge is as well and it hasn't caused any problems but unlike Rena Rouge, Lone Wolf claims to know who you are as well but I'm sure you are aware of that, it is not an issue if you two keep a low profile." Marinette blushed shamefully at his comment. "I didn't tell him, he just blurted it out one day but I denied it..." "He had many reasons to join the superhero life style, wanting to help Ladybug was one of his largest reasons, protecting Marinette being another..." Her blush increased at the new information making the old man laugh. "I can tell you have a strong connection with him, you two being able to tell who one another is behind the magical mask the Miraculous gives off is proof of that." She stood at his words with a glowing red face and nervous smile. "I just wanted to make sure he was on our side... thank you for letting me in and I'm sorry for coming here... I'll see myself out." Tikki dashed into Marinette's bag as she walked away. Master Fu heard his front door open then shut making his successor walked in from another room. "Master... This is not foretold... the cat and the ladybug have always been together, like yin and yang." "Don't worry of it. Times have seemed to change, I knew when they didn't recognize who each other were behind the mask they didn't have the same connection as the past cat and ladybug Miraculous holders have had but things will work out, you will see. Have faith." His successor gave a nod and small bow. "yes master."

Adrien played his piano while Nathalie and Kagami watched with pleasant expressions on their faces as they listened to the music. Once he stopped Kagami stood to her feet and clapped for him. "You played that piece beautifully... it's one of my favorites." He gave a light smile as he shut the piano. "It's one of mine too... my mom use to play it for me." she gave a soft expression but before she could reply her phone alarm went off. "I have to go to my fencing practice, you can come if you like then perhaps we can do an early lunch and play some ping pong at my place." Adrien looked at Nathalie with pleading eyes making her sigh. "Very well... you can go but be back at a reasonable time, you have a photo shoot tomorrow and your father wants you well rested." "Thanks you're the best!" He smiled at her before leaving with Kagami. They rode in her limo like car to the Tsurugi residence. Adrien relaxed with a happy sigh, his arms behind his head. "I like to ride in your car more then mine, your seats are more comfortable." "I'm glad you like them." She replied but she kept her gaze out the window. "Is something wrong?" He asked alittle concerned. "you seem more distant then usual." She looked at him with her normal serious expression then it softened as she let out a sigh. "You were the first real friend I made but now that I've joined the school I've made more friends like Alix and Kim, which made me realize I like you more then just a friend... I'm aware of your infatuation with Ladybug and I'm okay with just being friends. I just want my feelings to be known but I also don't want things to be tense between us, You are important to me. I have never had any one relate to me like you do and I don't want to lose that." Adrien was surprised by her confession and was speechless for a moment until she let her gaze fall back out the window. "My driver can take you home now." "What? no... Kagami you are important to me too... I don't wanna stop being friends with you and I appreciate your honesty. It's true I... I like Ladybug, she's amazing but I'm realizing that it will never work out, she is so professional with her duty as a hero. She would never give me a chance even if she somehow returns my feelings. It would never work out the way I want..." He admitted making her look at him again. "I understand why she wishes to keep things professional and not get too close. Hawkmoth could use that against her and could easily destroy her. I believe that is why she says she and Cat Noir are crime fighting partners only. She doesn't want it to effect her job, dating complicates things in the workplace." Adrien gave a nod as he let her words sink in. "you are right..." 

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