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Taking a cruise from Central City, to Los Angeles, California wasn't exactly something Caitlin Snow had planned to do with her summer fresh out of college. Yet her friend Cisco persuaded her into going on it with him, to go check out the city with him for an adventure, just the two of them, Caitlin and Cisco, before they had to start working their dream jobs. She was going to London, England to pursue her dream of becoming a designer or photographer, and since she knew she wasn't going to be seeing much of him after the summer, she agreed.

They were about a day into the 21-day trip, and Caitlin had decided to get some sun while Cisco was sightseeing. She was enjoying her sunbathing when someone accidentally blocked her sun. This irritated her, and she took off her sunglasses and opened her mouth to ask whoever was blocking her sun to kindly get their ass out of her way. Unfortunately, no words came out of her lips since her words became stuck in her throat and her voice was nowhere to be found. She gawked at someone she didn't expect to see again any time soon. He had gotten rid of his plaid button up, looking so handsome wearing red swimming trunks and dripping wet. He ran a hand through his wet brown hair and looked at her with piercing green eyes.

Barry Allen looked down at her, which was either a mistake or the best thing he had ever done because she took his breath away. Laying there was someone he had never thought he would ever see again, wearing an ice blue bikini and a sexy body looking like the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on.

He tried to look unaffected and cordial as he gave her one of his adorable puppy smiles. "Hey, Caitlin. Fancy seeing you here."

Caitlin immediately changed her persona to look more accommodating and tried to resist the urge to stare at his body.

"Nice abs," she blurted and mentally smacked herself for being so tactless. "I...I...mean, Barry. I didn't expect to see you here."

Barry smiled a small smile at her confession and tried not to show he was flattered. He watched her turn a tinge of red and at that moment, he couldn't stop staring at her. She was so beautiful.

"Nice tan," he joked and they both shared a laugh.

"So, uh, Caitlin, we should catch up, join me for dinner?" Barry asked after their moment of fun. Caitlin seemed to consider his invitation for a while.

"Sure," she answered with a sweet smile.

20 Days Later...

Over the course of three weeks, Caitlin and Barry had grown unbelievably close, closer than they were when they were at college together and had fallen in love with each other, so in love that Caitlin had been reconsidering moving to London and considering staying in LA with her new boyfriend.

The two were laying together the day before the cruise ended on her bed. They had woken up a little while ago and just finished their breakfast. Barry had been awfully quiet all morning.

Caitlin looked at him, pushing her hand through his soft brown hair, giving him a smile. "Something on your mind?"

Barry looked at her and smiled back. He knew he couldn't live without her. Ever. He wanted her for the rest of his life. He pulled her close to him and gave her a kiss. "You, as always."

She laughed, kissing him back. "What about me?" Her eyes sparkled with the love she had for him. She could really see a future with him.

He looked into her eyes, smiling shyly. "About how I want to marry"

Caitlin's eyes doubled in size at the statement. "Are you serious?" She asked in astonishment, getting a grin and nod in response. Of course, she wanted to marry him too. "But I have nothing to wear."

Barry stared at her, smiling brightly. "Is that a yes?"

"Well, duh!" Caitlin laughed, jumping out of bed and rushing to her half-made suitcase. She started rummaging through them, trying to find something proper to wear. It was her wedding day.

Barry chuckled as he watched her, the love for her shining in his eyes.

L is for the way you look at me

O is for the only one I see

V is very, very extraordinary

E is even more than anyone that you can adore

The priest looked at the young couple then gave the groom permission to kiss his bride. Barry leaned in looking straight into Caitlin's eyes, getting lost in those hazel orbs. She unwavering looked back at him with as much intensity in her gaze as his as he got closer and closer to her pink lips.

Their lips were now only millimetres apart and both could feel their breaths mixing together then suddenly they entered a world of bliss as their lips met in a fiery kiss that sealed their love for one another.

Love is all that I can give you

Love is more than just a game for two

Two in love can make it

Take my heart and please don't break it

Love was made for me and you

The golden double doors leading to the dining room were opened and the other guests on the cruise started showering the newlyweds with white flower petals. Barry and Caitlin walked through and bowed their heads and smiled and waved as others congratulated the newlyweds.

L is for the way you look at me

O is for the only one I see

V is very, very extraordinary

E is even more than anyone you can adore

There was a fireworks display and the couple watched it from the port side of the ship. They spent half the time making out and the other half watching the grandeur of the display. Barry watched Caitlin snuggle into his arms and this prompted him to hold her tighter as he whispered words of love into her ear and she smiled, leaned up and kissed him again.

Love is all that I can give to you

Love is more than just a game for two

Two in love can make it

Take my heart and please don't break it

Love was made for me and you

The couple went back to their reserved seats right after the fireworks and were still cuddling when a waiter approached them and offered them a wine bottle with the words 'where dreams have no end.'

Dinner was scrumptious and the couple spent their time feeding each other and it was a very sweet sight. They were the epitome of the perfect couple in love.

After dinner the two were in the middle of the dance floor holding each other close and slowly swaying their hips since the music was boogie. The couple were lost in their own world and with the exception of a twirl or tow, they were content being in each other's arms and Caitlin's head on Barry's shoulder.

They went back to their seats right after dancing and a photographer came up to them holding a vintage camera. She asked if they wanted a picture and both nodded their heads eagerly. The photographer asked them to pose and the couple faced each other and started leaning in as if they were about to kiss. The photo was shot as the fireworks outside sparkled in their bright colours.

It was the year 2005 aboard the SS Seabourn II when the nuptial of Barry and Caitlin Allen happened. The memory of it was printed on the cruise album; that photograph with Barry and Caitlin looking at each other with smiles on their lips and live shining through their eyes.

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