13. Snowbarry? Or...

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Barry rushed out into the corridor that Caitlin was striding on a while ago. Jocelyn saw him since she was heading in the opposite direction and she raised her hand.

"Hey, what's up Dad?" she asked brightly and Barry approached her hurriedly.

"Just running down to the lobby. Hey Nor, would you do me a favour and keep Iris company, please? Thanks." Barry said and hurried off as his daughter walked away. Suddenly he turned back.

"Do I look alright? Like presentable or something? Not too old?" he called out nervously.

"You look great Dad, young and great." Jocelyn said and smiled, wondering why on earth her father was acting that way but then the realisation hit her and a Cherishire Cat grin covered her face.

A few moments later, Barry was in the lobby again, nervously looking for his ex and this time he bumps into the real Nora. He looked down on her, obviously confused.

"Dad." Nora cried excitedly, her eyes widening happily.

"I thought you were going to keep Iris company?" Barry asked with furrowed eyebrows and Nora looked surprised.

"I was?" She asked in confusion but then realised, quickly smiling. "Yeah, I was. I was just looking for her actually," suddenly she hugged him, "It's great to see you."

"It's great to see you too squirt," Barry laughed and then he looked at her again, confused, "Nice outfit. Now go on," he said and pointed to the elevator. Nora nodded and watched him rush off as the elevator doors slid open and out came a woman with long, curly brown hair, brown eyes and sharp features who was primping herself in front of her compact mirror. Iris noticed Nora and gave her a look.

"Have you seen your father?" she asked haughtily and Nora raised an eyebrow at her.

"You talking to me?" she raised an eyebrow and Iris frowned at her.

"What are you, Robert De Niro? Of course I am talking to you," she snapped. Nora then realised to whom she was talking to and slowly smirked.

"Ohh, Iris. Uh yeah, just saw him," she said and continued to size her up.

"Well hel-lo, where is he?" the brunette snapped, glaring at the girl.

"I think he went...that way." Nora said and pointed in the general direction Barry ran off to but she continued to stare at Iris.

"What are you staring at?" Iris snapped, getting irritated at the unwanted interest.

"Oh nothing, you're just really...pretty." Nora smirked and this seemed to irritate Iris more.

"Don't tell me you're suddenly going to break your rotten streak and be nice to me?" she snapped, "If you see your father, tell him I'm waiting."

Nora watched her go with a look of distain, wondering how on earth her father could even consider marrying someone like her. "Whatever you say, Cruella." She said to herself.


Barry ducked his head into the hotel gift shop, looking for Caitlin. Instead he found Jocelyn buying a candy bar. He did a double-take, confused. "What are you doing? I thought you were gonna..."

"-She wasn't in her room dad." Jocelyn cut him off, throwing him a smile.

"She wasn't? oh...okay, see you in a little bit, honey." He said in confusion then walked off.

"If not sooner, dad." Jocelyn muttered to herself with a small giggle.

Barry walked along the corridor, looking through a bank on windows and thought he saw Caitlin walking through the garden. He tried to get a closer look but got caught in the midst of a group of Japanese tourist.

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