17. Get the picture?

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That night, Barry, Cisco and the twins were enjoying their dinner of trout around the camp fire while Iris looked at her plate is disgust. The only fish she ever ate were those that were filleted and this freshly caught slimy fish roasted on an open fire made her sick. She wrapped the provided blanket around her body tighter and clung to her phone.

"This'll hold us for a while." Barry said, putting few more sticks of wood into the bonfire.

"You sure you don't want some trout, Mom? Is that okay, by the way, if we start calling you Mom?" Nora said sweetly, looking expectantly at Iris who was busy rubbing insect repellent on her arms.

Cisco almost choked on his fish when he heard that.

"I think your mother would prefer it if you called me Iris and no thank you, I do not eat trout...for the thousandth time. I'll wait until breakfast. What are we having?" she asked with fake enthusiasm.

"Trout." Barry, Cisco, Jocelyn and Nora answered much to the chagrin of Iris.

"C'mon, it's part of the experience." Cisco cajoled and Iris beamed at him sarcastically as she slapped her leg.

"And what's the other part? Being eaten to death by mosquitoes?" she snapped, "God, you'd actually think they like this stuff."

"What's that you're using?" Barry asked and put down his plate, "let me see that." Iris handed the bottle over to him and he sniffed it before putting some of it on his hand.

"Well you're sure to attract every mosquito on the mountain with this stuff. It's sugar and water." Barry explained with a playful smile as Nora and Jocelyn shared sly grins. Iris glared at them and the twins hurriedly ate their trout and pretended nothing happened.

"That's it. I'm taking one large sleeping pill and going to bed," she announced, picking up two sticks before she stood up, as she went to the tent, she started whacking the sticks together as the sound reverberated in the silent night. Barry looked around with a raised eyebrow at her behaviour.

Cisco pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn't believe this was the woman Barry was marrying.

"Iris...what're you doing?" he asked.

"I don't want the mountain lions to..." she stopped and turned around just and the twins and Cisco snorted, "There are not mountain lions up here, are there?" she asked, standing to her full height, which didn't really say much, after realising the jokes on her. Barry tried to hide his amusement as he shook his head, smiling.

"No," he mouthed and Iris put the sticks together in one hand and threw them to the side. Then she approached Barry who was now looking at her worriedly but she planted a luscious kiss on her lips leaving him quite breathless. The twins rolled their eyes and tried not to gag. Cisco heatedly glared at the woman stealing his friends love while also throwing his plate, disgusted, with a mumble of not feeling hungry anymore.

"Goodnight." Iris said smugly and sauntered into the tent. After she left, Barry gave a warning look at his daughters who looked back at him innocently.

"Guys, I'm telling you, lay off. This isn't her thing, okay? I'm not marrying her because she's Annie Oakley," he said sternly.

"Who's Annie Oakley?" Jocelyn asked confused.

"Just cool it." Barry said and went back to his trout.

Later that evening, the moon shone brightly over the lake and no sound where heard except for the distant hooting and the slight whisper of the wind as it rustles in the quiet. If you listened much harder, you'll hear a zipper softly being pulled down to reveal two girls both identical looking with impish grins on their beautiful faces. Nora flinched as she unzipped the tent, not wanting to create any noise that would tip any animals or her father off. She looked around to see if the coast was clear and stepped out of their tent. She turned to her sister and signalled to her that the coast was indeed, clear, "C'mon, c'mon." she whispered as she watched her twin carefully step out of the tent.

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