18. The long awaited chance

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Jocelyn and Nora were holed up in the latter's room, on the latter's bed, playing a game of poker when Barry came up. He checked himself in the mirror, making sure that he didn't look bad in his black button up with the sleeves rolled up and dark jeans.

"Okay, I'll take two.." Jocelyn said to her sister, then looked up when she saw her dad in the doorway. "Hey Dad, wow...you look nice." She said teasingly.

"What are you doing?" Nora asked excitedly but her father just grabbed the doorknob and was all smiley faced. "Good night, ladies." He said in a singsong voice before pulling the door closed. Jocelyn and Nora glanced at each other, thrilled. They put down their cards (face down) and crossed their fingers and tightly shut their eyes, both silently praying for the same thing. Their parents getting back together.


"Oh, wow."

"This is where I keep my private stash. Did you know I also collect wine?"

"Oh, really now?"

"I'm a man on limited interests. Follow me..."

Caitlin giggled but nevertheless followed Barry through the cavernous lace, looking around in awe at all the bottles lined up on the shelves. The place was stone-walled and lit by iron chandelier candleholders with real candles. It seemed there was no electricity in this place and it felt very medieval. Barry led her to one of the shelves and took out a bottle, holding it out in front of her.

"This is a 1921 Burgundy." Barry explained dramatically, tapping the bottle proudly, "They say the rain that year made this the best Burgundy ever harvested."

Caitlin looked at the bottle appreciatively and she smiled. Barry was really at home with his wines, she recalled, during their time together.


Back upstairs, Nora and Jocelyn were no longer playing cards, but were lying on their backs, looking at the ceiling, both quiet, with the exception of Sammy's panting next to them. "Joyce?" Nora said softly, not bothering to turn and look at her sister.

"Yeah?" Jocelyn replied, just as softly, shifting on the bed slightly but not facing her twin.

"What if..." Nora took a deep breath as she closed her eyes, getting ready for the tears she knew were bound to spill if she opened them. "What if they don't get back together? What if you go back to London?"

Jocelyn bolted up and turned her body, allowing her to look down at Nora, whose eyes were still closed, yet some tears had managed to escape. "Why would you say that? You're the one that said this was a fool-proof plan!"

Nora opened her eyes and sat up, facing her sister. She tucked some hair behind her ear and wiped her tears. "I know...but mom can be really stubborn, and well, she might be too caught up to realised dad loves her more than anything in the world." She whispered, looking into Jocelyn's green eyes.

Jocelyn's eyes welled up with tears, realising her twin was right. But before they could have the chance to fall, she embraced her sister in a tight hug. "I know, but if that happens, we'll still be sisters, and we can visit each other all the time. And we still have camp..." she whispered, not letting Nora go.


"Now you will appreciate this." Barry said and asked her to follow him to an old cabinet. He opened it and Caitlin saw five dusty bottles on the 7-rack display. Barry picked up a dusty bottle on the right of the middle and the biggest bottle of the group. It had a pink label which read: Fiji Day 1945.

"Look," Barry said and Caitlin read the label then looked up at him, amazed.

"That's incredible." She whispered stroking the bottle.

He smiled and put the bottle back. Then he picked up the bottle on the left.

"Now this wine, was the same wine served at my parents wedding. A Bordeaux 152," Caitlin couldn't help herself and said 'Aww'.

"What's this one? Where dreams have no ends, 2005." Caitlin asked, picking it up and turning the bottle in her hand.

"That one actually took me years...to track down." Barry explained, looking at her expectantly.

"Why? Where's it from?" Caitlin asked, looking up curiously.

"It's the wine...we drank on our wedding." Barry explained with a small sheepish smile, "I now have every bottle ever made."

Caitlin became misty-eyed at his words and she fought back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. Although he didn't say it outright, she could feel that he still love her. Though his actions and casual words, she could still feel the affection, the care, the live...and the longing.

"You do?" she asked hoarsely.

"I do," he answered, smiling gently.

"Then can we open one now?"

"You're the only one I'd drink it with."

Caitlin stood in shock. There it was again, his subtle confessions. She couldn't move and now her heart was beating very fast. Being with Barry was like being in heaven and she'd rather be there than elsewhere. Barry blew the dust off the bottle and Caitlin bowed her head as small tears escaped.

"You okay?" she heard him ask, looking at her in worry.

"Oh yeah, just got a little dust in my eyes." Caitlin replied after wiping the tears.

"I can...offer you a clean sleeve." Barry said and held out an arm.

"No, no, I'm fine...all better." Caitlin looked back up and was once again lost in Barry's eyes.

"You don't always have to be so brave, you know," he told her.

"Oh, but I do, actually." She said.

The distance between their faces was decreasing by seconds, as they got closer and closer. Caitlin closed her eyes for the anticipated kiss as Barry watched her face draw nearer. Their lips were millimetres apart when they heard a honking noise from the outside and both looked towards the door. The distance grew and the moment dissipated into nothingness, leaving Barry inwardly frustrated.

"That will be Felicity and Oliver" Caitlin whispered.

"She has a key." Barry retorted, leaning in again but Caitlin stepped backwards shaking her head.

"Hello! I'm home...is anybody home?" Felicity called out and Barry gave Caitlin a sad smile.

"We'll be right up!" he called from the cellar. Caitlin walked passed him and he clutched the bottle of wine tightly before returning it to its place – missing its long awaited chance.

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