8. Meeting Dad

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At that very moment, Barry Allen stood amongst the throng on people waiting anxiously at the Napa County Airport, he was still as handsome but ruggedly so, at the age of 36. He watched the passengers exit the gate and brightened up at the sight of his daughter.

"Hey Nora!" he called out with a big grin, "Welcome home kiddo!"

"Oh gosh, it's him." Jocelyn breathed to herself when she saw him and fingered her locket nervously before putting on a huge smile of pure excitement. She ran up to him and stopped just in front of him.

Barry held out his hands with a big puppy dog smile plastered on his handsome face, "Get into these arms princess," he said holding out his arms.

"Dad..." Jocelyn smiled as she dropped her duffel and wrapped her arms around her father. "Finally!" she said as he picked her up and swung her around, planting a loving kiss on her cheek as he did so.

"Oh I hope you had a lousy time at that camp because you are not going back – I missed you too much." Barry said in a kind of joking-serious voice as he cupped his daughter's cheek then kissed it.

Jocelyn smiled brightly at him, hugging him tightly once again. She couldn't believe she was finally hugging her father. His kissed her hair and they started walking.

"What happened to you, Nor? Something's changed." He said then measured the top of her head to his torso with the flat of his hand, "Have you gotten taller?" he asked with a grin. The two walked out of the airport with Barry carrying Jocelyn's duffel.

"So, what's up, dad? How's Uncle Ollie and everybody?" Jocelyn asked in her recently perfected American accent. She smiled smugly to herself when it came out without a hitch.

"Great. Everybody's great, can't wait to see you. Eight weeks really is too long, Nora. So much has been happening around here." Barry answered and wrapped his arms tighter around his girl.

"A lot's happened to me, too. I feel like I'm practically a new woman." Jocelyn said which made Barry chuckle – since when did she use the term new woman? As they walked, Jocelyn kept peeking at Barry and he became quite self-conscious.

Rubbing his jaw, he looked at her when she peeked at him, "What's the matter? Did I cut myself shaving?"

"No, it's just seeing you for the first time. I mean, you know, in so long." Jocelyn said then giggled. "You took taller to me too dad," she joked.

Barry laughed and pulled her closer to him, "C'mon kiddo, let's go home," he said. Father and daughter walked over to the parked Range Rover and Barry opened the door for his daughter. He climbed into the driver's seat. He started the car and they drove off.

After a while, Jocelyn looked out the window and saw rows and rows of vines lining the fields. She was awed that it was all her father's and she couldn't stop staring at them all. She fell in love with the place too – London is way different than California.

"Hey, by the way, thanks for all those newsy letters. I'm really glad I brought you all that personalized stationary you just had to have." Barry said in a sarcastic yet joking voice to his daughter, a while later.

"We meant to write, Dad, but we just got so busy with..." Jocelyn tried to explain and Barry gave her another one of his grins indicating that he was joking.

"We?" he noted.

Realising her stupid mistake, Jocelyn tried to act calm and smiled at him. "Oh. Me and my friend. I met this girl at camp and we got really close." She explained.

"Great," Barry remarked nodding his head as he continued driving.

"Practically like sisters. She was a lovely girl." Jocelyn said, hoping he didn't get the innuendo.

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