14. Dinner for four...two?

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Later that day, Barry and Iris were browsing in Tiffany's. "I'm sorry, I just don't see why you have to have dinner with your ex-wife with her little 'I'm a famous wedding dress designer, I have the best life' attitude, why couldn't you just meet her in the lobby, discuss the custody, shake hands and say goodbye?" She complained as she looked at many different varieties of jewellery. "I'll tell you why – because your daughters don't want me to marry you." She pouted.

"That's not true and you know it." Barry said, stuffing his hands into his pockets and studying Iris Her brown eyes sparkling with happiness as she smiled at him. Her eyes were nothing like Caitlin's, Barry noticed, definitely not warm and loving. Iris' long dark brown hair was pretty, but Caitlin's long light brunette locks were beautiful, like a halo. Iris' smile was bittersweet, but Caitlin's was loving and caring. He shook his head as he smiled back politely. Iris was so smart, sweet and kind; she was perfect for him, or so he thought. But why was he thinking of his ex-wife, when he was marrying the woman of his dreams? Or what he thought were his dreams.

Iris looked over at the saleswoman. "Can we get some help over here, please?" She then turned back to Barry. "It's true. They see me as the evil step mother, trust me, I'm not being paranoid. Those girls have something up their sleeve..." without missing a beat, she turned to the saleswoman. "Can I try on the emerald cut please? No, the bigger one...the biggest one."

Barry placed his hands on her shoulders. "Honey, calm down. The girls have never had a meal with both their parents in their entire lives. How could I say no?"

Iris seemed to be lightening up as she slipped on the ring. "I told you to let me represent you on all your negotiations, didn't I?" She said then showed him the ring with a bright smile. "This is incredible. What do you think?"

Barry sighed. "I think I have to get dressed for dinner." He muttered, trying to block out the headache that was slowly forming.

Iris pouted. "Barr."

Barry just gave her a fake smile, wanting to get out of there. "If you love it, I love it."

Iris threw her arms around him, grinning. "I love it."


Caitlin rifled through her suit case, wondering what on earth she should wear for dinner when Cisco walked in and sat down on her bed.

"Aren't you going to...?" he was cut off when Caitlin whipped around suddenly and screamed.

"Jesus Cisco. Don't scare me like that." She yelled and clutched her chest.

"I'm sorry Cait." Cisco said with a grin and helped her sit on the bed. Caitlin took in deep breaths as she fanned herself with her hand.

"Aren't I going to what Cisco?" she suddenly asked. Her friend stood up and went through her closet and took out the black dress he had picked out for her before their trip along with the black heels.

"Aren't you going to wear these?" he held up the outfit and earned a startled look from Caitlin.

"How are you sure that he's going to like me wearing that?" she said, standing back up.

"Caitlin, you once went to college wearing sweatpants and a hoodie and still all the boys fell at your feet, what makes this event any different?" he asked, laying the dress on the bed.

"Well I don't know...fourteen years?" she snapped, putting her hands on her hips.

"You didn't even age a year. Stop whining and put the clothes on," he also snapped and Caitlin grabbed the dress and heels and stormed off to go to the bathroom.

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