16. A camping we will go

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It was already midday and the Allen's plus Iris and Cisco haven't been able to even reach halfway of the whole trail. At the rate they're going, thanks to Iris, it would take them the whole three days to even reach the mountain. That was what Nora Allen actually said when they stopped for the umpteenth time ever since they started walking.

She was the leader of the group of five and she enjoyed the camping trips she and her father took every year before class starts. Walking confidently through the rough and rugged terrain, she was a few feet ahead of Barry who was directly behind her. Balancing herself, she easily walked over a fallen timber and avoided the big rocks which were situated at the right side of it. Squealing in delight, she looked around and motioned her father to hurry up.

Barry beamed proudly at his daughter as he too easily balanced himself and walked over the timber. Iris was next and she propped herself up on a huge bolder at the left side of the timber and tried to cross with a disgusted look on her face. Unfortunately, her hair was in her line of vision and so it created a few black spots which made her miss her step and fall on her ass. The girls stifled a giggle as Barry rushed over to help her. Cisco smirked to himself as he easily crossed. Jocelyn came after Cisco and stood on the rocks behind the brunette, eyeing her warily.

Iris wasn't really one with mother nature and so she found no pleasure whatsoever in their hike. Huffing and panting, she gritted her teeth and tried not to lose face in front of her now rival's children. She was already planning to send Nora off to some boarding school once she and Barry were married but with the new situation, she decided to just send the both of them. Landing splat on her buttocks, she felt exhausted, again, and decided to sit on one of the hug rocks that were laid out beside the fallen tree trunk.

"Oh...I'm gonna kill my trainer...he says I'm in such great shape." She seethed in between pants. Barry heard her and went back to check on his fiancé. Seeing that she was tired, again, he had no choice but to stop.

"I can't believe people actually do this for fun." Iris continued complaining as she rubbed her legs that were burning in pain.

"Hold on, we're stopping." Barry announced and Nora halted and tried to straighten the angry expression that was coming to her face. Cisco took the time to sit on one of the rocks as well and re-tied his shoes. Jocelyn ignored everyone as she was too busy picking up rocks on her way down to Iris.

"Again?" Nora couldn't contain her anger any longer, "Dad, at this rate it'll take three days just to get to the lake," she complained in a insisting tone and Barry gave her a quelling look.

"Iris isn't used to this altitude, just chill, alright?" he said in a calm voice and Nora rolled her eyes as Barry went a few feet away to check the trial. Nora scowled as she turned back to Iris and her eye caught her sister who sat directly behind the brunette woman. Jocelyn gave her a small smirk as she opened the Prada backpack and started filling every pocket of it with the rocks she had gathered. Nora's expression instantly lightened up, slapping a on her face to cover her cheeky grin as she watched her twin while Iris finally sat up with a long groan.

Cisco glanced at his niece, catching her eye as she filled the backpack. He only chuckled, acting as if he didn't see a thing. He didn't like Iris either. As Caitlin's best friend, he strongly preferred Barry and Caitlin together. The two balanced each other out perfectly.

"Oh, I am in so much pain. Can someone hand me my Evian? I can't move," Iris asked and Jocelyn looked up startled while Nora looked at her coolly but didn't move. She only stood there with her arms crossed.

"Sure." Jocelyn replied after deciding that she won't be heartless. But after seeing the small lizard beside the Evian bottle, she immediately changed her mind. "Brilliant." She whispered to herself with a huge smile. Picking up the small reptile, which started moving frantically as it tried to escape, she gently placed it on the bottle where, upon being raised, it would be directly in front of Iris' eyes.

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