7. Meeting Mom

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Ten thousand feet in the air, the British Air flew and was close to landing. It had announced all the SOP before it landed with a certain Nora Allen, dressed as her twin Jocelyn Snow, who was seated nervously in first class looking out the carob fibre window taking in the sights that was London, England.

"Okay, this is it," she sat back from looking out the window, letting out a long nervous sigh. "Oh, god, I hope she likes me. Please like me," she chanted clasping her fingers together in a kind of prayer, shutting her eyes.

The plane descended and finally it landed. The cabin doors were open and people started pouring out. Nora immediately grabbed her small purse – her only carry and exited along with the other passengers. She entered the terminal amidst the continuous stream of people coming and going. Since she was so small, a bit petite to be exact, she could hardly see through the tall bodies surrounding her. Spotting a row of benches, she quickly went over to them and clambered over one which gave her a better view of the airport terminal. She looked around and was trying to look for any familiar face (from the pictures her sister showed her) when she heard a man calling out her 'name.'


She whirled around and saw a man with shoulder length dark hair, wearing a white shirt and black pants, holding a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. This is it! She thought and immediately called out in her best English accent (without sounding overly dramatic),

"Uncle Cisco!"

Cisco was ecstatic at the sight of his niece and he immediately hugged her tightly and handed her the bouquet. She hugged him back just as tight – Nora Allen too was ecstatic to get to know the uncle her twin kept babbling on about.

"Missed you." Cisco said after letting go of her.

"Missed you," she answered, looking at him longingly and smiling at her uncle in excitement.

Cisco appeared to be studying the new look of his niece, "What did you do to your hair?" he asked which proved that he was.

"Cut it, do you like it?" Nora felt apprehensive, her uncles face didn't really seem to register that he was pleased with the haircut but she was proven wrong when he smiled.

"I love it. It's the new you!" Cisco gushed, "And you had your ear pierced!" he noted as he carried her down from the chair, "Give me five, kid," he said, putting his hand out.

Nora was stunned for a second but quickly recovered when she remembered that this was supposed to be their 'secret handshake'. Gathering her wits about, she quickly put the bouquet on the chair and shook her uncles hand which started their 'secret handshake'. She let out a quick sigh of relief when she managed to do it and then they were off.

The Rolls-Royce they rode took Nora throughout all of the nice sights of London and she couldn't help but roll down her window and stick her head out...just like an American tourist.

"This is so amazing!" she gushed as she put her head back in the vehicle.

"Eight weeks at camp and you act like an American tourist." Cisco joked, stroking his niece's hair.

"That's what camps for, silly. It makes us appreciate home." Nora quickly covered up.

The car suddenly passed by Buckingham Palace which caught the attention of the young girl. She gasped and stared until they passed it while her uncle chuckled at her.

The car turned a corner in Regent's Park and drove through a row of elegant looking houses. It pulled up in front of the house numbered seven and the driver got out and opened the door for Nora before tending the luggage.

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