20. Finally

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The airplane finally landed and to the Snow's plus Cisco's, surprise, it was also raining in London. Guess the gloominess wasn't left behind in California. The Rolls Royce took them back to their townhouse and suddenly it didn't feel like coming home at all. Cisco stayed back to help with the luggage while Caitlin and Jocelyn entered the home.

"Hello? We're home." Caitlin called out, knowing Harry was in the house, but upon receiving no answer, she told Jocelyn to wait while she went to the study. She saw him on the corner desk, hidden behind a newspaper, as he usually was.

"Hey stranger," she said and watched the magazine go down but she didn't see Harry Wells staring at her with a small smile.

"Hey Mom, did you know that the Concorde gets you here in half the time?" Nora Allen asked.

"Yes...I've...I've heard that." Caitlin stammered, still in shock.

Jocelyn went into the study after convincing herself that she was delusional and homesick to have heard her twin sister's voice in place of her uncles.

"What're you doing here?" she asked Nora excitedly after seeing in fact, she wasn't delusional and that her twin sister was here.

Nora smiled, fighting the strong urge to run and hug her sister. "It took us around ten minutes after you guys left for us to realise we didn't want to lose you again." Nora explained, standing up.

"We?" Caitlin was bewildered and she took a step towards her daughter whose gaze was somewhere else.

"We." Barry agreed, stepping into the study and Caitlin gasped sharply.

"I made a mistake of not coming after you once, Cait, I'm not gonna do that again – no matter how brave you are." He said and smiled.

Caitlin felt her knees wobble as tears gathered in her eyes as she tried to maintain some semblance of sense into her head that was now being overridden by her heart.

"And I suppose you just expect me to go weak at the knees and fall into your arms and cry hysterically and say that we'll just figure this whole thing out – a bi-continental relationship with...our daughters being here and...and there and you and I...just picking off where we left off and growing old together and...and...c'mon Barry, what did you expect?" she looked up and was face to face with Barry. For every phrase, that she was stammering, he took a step closer to her flustered state as his smile grew with every word she uttered.

"...to live happily ever after?" Caitlin blurted and Barry was now wiping away her tears with his thumbs as he cupped her face and tilted it up to him.

"Yes...to all the above; except you don't have to cry hysterically." he quipped with a mischievous grin.

"Oh yes I do..." Caitlin managed to end her sentence before Barry's lips were upon her and she kissed him back with all the longing she garnered through the years. Barry held her closer and deepened the kiss as Nora and Jocelyn watched.

"We actually did it." Nora said and slid down the corner feeling giddy while Jocelyn sighed happily and fell back onto the armchair. She snuck happily out into the hall a few seconds later and motioned for Nora to follow.

Nora tore her gaze from her parents an also snuck into the hall, where her sister was happily jumping up and down.

"We did it. We did it!" Nora exclaimed, jumping up and down with her sister. She didn't actually think it would work, even though it was her plan in the beginning.

"It's unbelievable." Jocelyn beamed, pulling her sister in for an excited and congratulatory hug.

"Oh my god, you guys are gonna love living in California." Nora exclaimed when she sopped jumping and pulled away from her sister.

Jocelyn's face fell. "What do you mean...California? You two are gonna love living in London." She argues, standing her ground.

"London?" Nora's jaw dropped.


Fireworks lit up the night sky and abroad the Seabourn II, a couple was getting married. Barry and Caitlin looked lovingly at each other before saying 'I do.' Everyone cheered as bride and groom danced the night away.

The twins were dancing on the dancefloor next to their parents. Cisco stood off to the side drinking champagne and laughing at the twins. Harry and his daughter Jessie sat at the table, eating, talking and laughing together. Felicity and Oliver were dancing together. Everyone cheered for the new married couple. After the congratulations, the party was in full swing again and everybody danced the night away.

It really was a place where dreams have no end...

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