Chapter 12- Nightly Incounters

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Chapter 12

"Nate!" I gasped "What are you doing in here?"

"What did you just say?" Nate was standing in the doorway in nothing but a pair of navy blue pajama pants.

"I said what are you doing here." Just play dumb Brylee. I told myself.

"Brylee, what do you mean your dying?" Nate looked in between shock and like he might actually cry!

"I can explain." I whispered, not meeting his intense eyes.

I quietly slipped out of bed and walked to the door. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen with Nate on my heals.

"Brylee. What do you mean your dying?" Nate was very calm now but I could see the worry in his eyes.

"I... I meant that... It's complicated." I was stuttering. How do you explain that your dying? That you may never breath air into your lungs again. That you will never see a sunset on the beach or hear a street performer play his guitar. You will never taste your moms home made cooking, laugh at your best friends joke or feel the rain on your skin. You will never get to pick out the perfect wedding dress or have that first fight with your husband. You will never be able to hold your baby in your arms for the first time or cry as they graduate high school. You won't grow old with the person you love and die happily in your sleep cuddled up in their arms.

You will die alone and so young. Connected to hospital wires and machines as your family cry over your dead lifeless body. That's my destiny and I'm not sure if I'm ready to face that.

"Bry, your staring off into space. Please tell me! Your scaring me right now!" He was pleading with his eyes as he held onto both my hands.

"I have brain cancer Nate." I couldn't look him into the eyes as I told him. I felt something wet fall onto my arms and as I looked up I saw tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Brylee how long have you known?"

"It's been a year. Nobody knows except for me, my doctor, and now you." I could feel my own years start to swell I'm my eyes.

"Why haven't you gotten treatment! Why haven't they done anything to help you? Surly it can be cured! Brylee talk to me!" He was panicking. Walking back and forth from one side of the kitchen to the next.

"Nate. Nate stop!" I grabbed him and put my hands on his cheeks.

"I have to leave Monday. A doctor friend of mine named Robbin called and thinks he has a treatment plan that could help me. But theres only a 13% chance it will work." I calmly told him finally making eye contact.

"Monday as in the Monday after this weekend?"

"Yes." I slowly said.

"And nobody knows? What will everybody think? What will Red think?" He looked concerned.

"I haven't figured that part out yet." I wanted cry as I said this. The thought of hurting my friends and family was to difficult to comprehend. The thought of loosing Red felt worse then death.

"You said there is a 13% chance the treatment will work?" He asked.

"Yes, why?"

"We'll then it looks like we have some planning to do then." He tried to give me a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"We have to make a plan for you to tell everybody in the least hurtful way." He said in a duh tone of voice but I could still hear the underline of sadness.

"Okay. But you have to promise not to tell a soul about this!" I made him cross his heart.

"I swear!" He took a long deep look into my eyes and that's when I started to break. The tears started flowing and my body began to shake as I hugged myself and sobbed.

I felt big warm arms wrap around me as stroke my hair.

"We will figure this out Bry. We can do it tomorrow tho. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay..." He kept repeating as I cried into his chest. Was it really going to be okay tho?

I eventually stopped crying and he let me go.

"Time for bed, come on." I followed him up the stairs until we reached the door to my room.

"Goodnight, sweet dreams, and we will fix this tomorrow. I promise." Nate pulled me in for one last hug then he left with tears still in his eyes.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. I slipped back into bed and cuddled up into Red. Still sleeping he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. The events that happened in the last 30 minutes began to play in my head. Somebody finally new and it felt liberating! But sadly I new that it was only by accident that Nate found out. What happens when I have to sit everybody down and come straight out with it? My head began to hurt so I tried it just close my eyes and fall asleep. Thankfully I was in Reds arms so I was able to find sleep quickly. The last thing on my mind was that Monday was coming way to fast!


Sorry for the long wait! I still have to edit this chapter but thought I would put it up for you who are dying to know what's happening. Next chapter and edited version of this chapter will be up tomorrow or Saturday. Until then XOXOXOXOXO

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