Chapter 5-Meeting the friends and Nate

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Chapter 5


Curse that stupid alarm clock! I rolled out of bed and repeated my morning routine. I left the house and drove to work.

Walking through the doors of the emergency room I headed straight into the break room. I hung up my bag in my locker and threw my hair into a mid pony since I was to lazy to do anything with it today. I would have to make sure I get off work on time so I will be able to shower and get ready for my date tonight. I can't believe I actually have a date tonight with Red Anderson! I better text him on my lunch break to see where we are going so I know what to wear.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard another voice in the room.

"Well, well, we'll. Look who decided to show her face after all." It was Britney.

Turning around to face her. "What are you talking about Britney?" I was extremely irritated at this point.

"We'll after that little stunt you pulled yesterday selling yourself to Red just to try and get me fired. Or at least that's what I told everybody." She smirked a she said the last sentence.

At this point I was livid! "How dare you tell people I sold myself to Red just to get you fired! I may not think that high of you but I would never try and get somebody fired from their job! And I respect myself unlike you not to sell my body for money!"

"Now Brylee, there is no reason to yell. We all know how you truly are now." Again with that stupid smirk. I took a step in her direction.

"Listen up Britney, if you want to spread rumors about me then go ahead. All your doing is putting yourself lower because you have to hurt other people to make yourself feel better." I pointed my finger in her face. "One of these days you need to take a long look in the mirror to see the person you truly are.A lying, manipulative, gossip spreading slut!" She looked shocked and defeated as I finished my rant.

"Listen Britney, I'm sorry I used those harsh words against you because I was angry but I really think you needed to hear what other people think of you."

I searched her shocked face trying to see if my words sunk in. Her face was completely blank. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours. She finally blinked, turned around and walked away.

I leaned my head again the locker behind me and closed my eyes. What am I going to do? Do people actually believe Britney's lies? Why Does Britney hate me so much?

"Ms.Carson."I was brought out of my thoughts.

"Yes doctor Biller?"

"There is a patient in room 6 that needs your attention."

"I'll be right there." He turned to leave but as he was walking out he turned his head and smiled.

"Don't worry Brylee, nobody believes what Britney is spreading around. We know you better then that. Oh and way to go getting Mr.Anderson girl! As soon as I saw the way his smile deflated when you were about to walk out of the room, I knew he had a thing for you! But who wouldn't your hot chick! If I wasn't gay I would totally hit on you!" I just laughed at Doctor Biller. He is 34, super hot but sadly gay.

It really should be a crime for good looking men to be gay.

"Thanks Joe, I just can't believe Britney said that about me!"

"She has always had it out for you. And now that you got a guy and she wanted him she is j-e-alous!"

"I don't have him Joe, he is just taking me out for dinner, that's it."

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