Chapter 1

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   This story may not be appropriate for young children due to bad language. No character is mine. Max was adopted by David and Gwen, Max and Nikki are 16.


"MAX! Get down here, you're gonna be late!"

"Fuck off I'm too old for that hellhole anyway!"

"It's your last year, make it count! Now get your ass down here!"

It's the same every year. Spend the summer at Camp Campbell with my new "parents" David and Gwen. I've always hated that place, even tho I can't exactly see myself anywhere else during the summer. Besides, it's not like any of the old campers left. I guess I was kinda happy to be able to see them one last time before we all seperated for good. I pulled on some jeans and my blue hoodie and made my way downstairs to Gwen.

" 'morning" I yawned.

"Don't "morning" me ya little shit, David has been waiting for you in the car for half an hour! Grab something to eat and GO!" She tossed a granola bar at me and kissed the top of my head. I pushed her away, grabbed my bag and flew out the door to David.

The drive wasn't very long, about half an hour. David was now in charge of the camp and it turns out that Cameron Campbell left $800 000 invested in the camp. David and Gwen got to renovate the camp and put cabins to replace the tents. They bought a nice house and two cars.

We were the firsts to arrive, naturally, and Gwen was only coming later in the day. Even tho David has been my new father for about three years now, I still liked to find ways to make his life miserable. After about twenty minutes of standing around at the entrance of the camp, the familiar school bus pulled up.

"Kids are here" the old bag of bones said opening the bus doors.

The teens came out in this order: Nurf, Harrison, Nerris, Dolf, Preston, Ered, Neil, Space Kid, and finally, Nikki. Nurf got really muscular, Harrison got much taller and his body was now proportional to his head. He was still a magic freak, but unlike kid Harrison, he was much kinder. Nerris got her braces off, taking her lisp with them, and her hair was slightly longer, about shoulder length. She had a nice body, but not really his type. Dolf, well... he looked like mini Hitler. Preston was much taller, gay and ugly as hell. Ered was still cool, her hair had a pink streak and tips. Her makeup was gothic, and she wore black pants, a black shirt with a purple skull and a leather jacket. Neil was tall. Space kid had a buzz cut and finally got the fish bowl off his head. Nikki had her hair in a high ponytail, her pink eyes shining with excitement. She had also grown quite nicely. She had a bright smile and beautiful curves. I forced myself to look away before it got weird. I started to develop some feelings for her when we were ten, at the Lake Lilac Summer Social. I turned to David who had started speaking.

"Alrighty Campers! I am so happy to see you all back here at Camp Campbell. In twenty minutes, you are all to come to the mess hall so we can sort you into your cabins!" And with that, he walked away.

I started walking towards the mess hall when I has attacked from behind and fell on my face.

"Max!" I opened my eyes to see a big mass of green hair on my face.

"I missed you!" Nikki said, still hugging me.

"I missed you too Nik." I hugged her back, still on the ground. We stayed there for what felt like hours, but I didn't want to let go. And judging from her grip, she didn't either.

"Uh... guys? You can stop hugging now... it's been nearly five minutes..."

"Fuck off Neil!"

Nikki let go of me and got up, her face completely red. I looked up to see all of the campers looking at us giggling. I felt my face heat up so I quickly got up and walked away.

Nikki POV

Max just... walked away... we hugged for nearly... what did Neil say? Five minutes? Wow that's a lot. Anyway... we did that and he just brushed it off like is was nothing. Not that I blame him. Who would actually want to hug someone like me? We're just friends and that's fine. Even if I did tell him that I liked him, I had no chance.

I snapped out of my trance when I realized that the other campers were staring at me.

"What are you looking at?!" I snapped at them. They all kinda flinched, not expecting me to react like that.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to this attention. Let's go to the mess hall." I said, walking away grabbing Neil's arm. "Ow.." he complained.


When all the campers arrived, with Neil and Nikki on either side of me, David came in with Gwen, who was holding a little bowl.

"Alrighty campers! It is now time to sort you all into your new cabins!"

"So since you're all 16 or 17, we should keep the boys and girls separated. But where's the fun in that?! So in this bowl I'm holding are all of your names. The cabins are only big enough for two campers." Gwen held out the bowl she was holding to show us all what she was talking about.

"So the first lucky pair will be...." David and Gwen both pulled out a piece of paper. "Nerris and Nikki!"

I almost felt bad... I don't know why, but I guess I was secretly hoping to get be paired with her. I looked to my right to see Nikki smiling at Nerris but there was something wierd about the smile... it wasn't bright and beautiful. Was it... forced?

"The second pair is.... Neil and... well... Neil!"

"The third is... Harrison and Max!"

Oh god no. I won't be able to handle sharing a cabin with him. Someone shoot me now! I didn't pay attention to the rest of the names. I was too busy hating David for picking my name.

Nikki POV

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little disappointed. Getting paired with Nerris is great and all... but part of me really wanted to be with Max. But it could be worse!

"Hey Nikki? Can I... ask you something?

"Yeah sure Nerris, what's up?" Nerris almost looked embarrassed. I wonder what was wrong.

"You see... I was kinda hoping that I would be paired with Harrison. Don't get me wrong, you're great! But... you know..."

"So you wanna ask David and Gwen if we can switch partners? Who's Harrison with?"


"Well then of course! Ask away!"

"Thanks Nikki. You're the best." She hugged me and ran off to Harrison to tell him.

I don't know if David will allow it, but if Nerris and Harrison share a cabin, that means that Max and I won't have a partner and that means that we could be paired!

David walked towards Max with Nerris and Harrison behind him. He signaled for me to go join them, so I did. I was a bit nervous about what he was gonna say. Maybe he was gonna explain how if he had to switch us, he would have to do it for everyone! Or maybe, how it isn't a good idea in the first place. I walked to the table and saw David looking at me with a big smile. Typical.

"Why hello Nikki! Nerris and Harrison would like to be cabin buddies and even though I was not a fan of the idea, Gwen thought it was perfect. So if you agree, Nerris and Harrison would share a cabin and your new cabin buddy would be Max."

Nerris and Harrison looked at me with pleading eyes for me to say yes, and Max looked... Red? Huh...

"Well, yeah sure, if Max is okay with i-"

"Yes of course! Uhh... I mean, yeah sure whatever."

"Well then it's settled!" Said David very enthusiastically. "Now go to your cabins and unpack."


Holy. Fucking. Shit. 


Hi! I started writing this story a while ago and I finally decided to publish it on Wattpad. This is my first story so I'm sorry if it isn't great. I'll try to post a story much as possible, maybe a few times a week or so. I'm always open for feedback or to hear what you have to say. See you next chapter!

~ Emilie 

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