Chapter 4

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This story may not be appropriate for young children due to bad language. No character is mine. Max was adopted by David and Gwen, Max and Nikki are 16.

~time skip to 10:30~

Nikki POV

I walked into the mess hall and saw all the campers (except Max) sitting in a circle. Neil saw me first.

"Nikki! You came!"

"Hey Neil."

I walked over and Nerris patted a spot next to her for me to sit. I did and looked at Neil.

"So uhh where's Max?"

"Oh, he'll show up any minute."

As if it were planned, the doors to the Mess Hall opened to reveal a blue hoodie wearing boy. Max looked at Neil and glared.

"You said we were gonna be alone!"

"No Max. I said to come, not that we were going to be alone. Now please, come join us. There's a spot next to Nikki."

Max's eyes locked into mine as he hesitated. I guess he saw me blush because he smiled a bit and walked over to me. He sat down and faced Neil.

"Okay, why are we all here?" Max asked Neil.

Before Neil could answer, Space Kid cut in.

"Were going to play truth or dare!"

The campers all let out exited murmurs, but I was terrified. What if Max finds out about my feelings for him? I looked at Max, who also looked pretty uncomfortable.

"Alright, who's going first?" asked Neil, eyeballing Max.

Space kid lifted his hand. "Oh me! Umm Nerris! Truth or dare?"

Nerris looked a bit surprised but answered confidently. "Truth."

"Have you ever kissed a boy before and who?"

Nerris hesitated for several seconds, clearly uncomfortable, before answering. "Harrison."

We all fell silent for several seconds, staring wide eyed at Nerris, then Harrison and back again. Both campers were blushing like mad, but Nerris defiantly spoke up.

"Yeah we're together. So what? It's my turn. Preston, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go to David and flirt with him as if you were Gwen. Oh, and videotape it!"

Preston simply got up, and walked out the door. After about five minutes off waiting, Preston came back with a huge grin on his face.

"Here you are!" he said showing everyone the video.

(in video)

"Hey david, you asleep?"


"I just wanted to let you know that I love you."

"Mmh... gwen?"

"Yes, its me."

"Hmm... I love you gwen."

"I know, I know."

"You're the best girlfriend I could ask for."

(video stops)

We all just stared at Preston for a second before starting to laugh our heads off. I was laughing so hard I forgot to breathe and fell over. On Max. On his lap. I stopped laughing and looked up. He had also stopped laughing, looking at me, his face as red as a tomato. I quickly got back up, looking away so he wouldn't see my blush. Unfortunately, Preston saw the entire thing.

He simply smiled before saying,"My turn!! Nikki, truth or dare?"

Shit. Okay, if I say truth, he'll probably ask something about Max and everyone will know I like him. I could lie I guess... but it's truth or dare! That beats the whole purpose of the game! But if I pick dare, I can simply say that I didn't MEAN anything! Ok.


"I will keep this sweet and simple. I dare you to kiss the camper of your choice."

Oh god. I can't kiss Max! He'll reject me! Ok, ok, all I have to do is kiss someone I don't care about. Uhhh Harrison! Nerris will understand right?

"Ok..." I looked at Max, but instead I moved towards Harrison. Before I could change my mind, my lips were on his. I could feel the surprised looks of the other campers burning on my back, but I kept my position. Harrison was surprised, but wasn't pushing me away. Finally, after what felt like hours, I let go and went back to my seat.

"Satisfied?" I asked defiantly at a very surprised Preston.


Oof sorry for the short chapters! The drama is really taking off! What will Nerris say? EEE IM SO EXCITED! Ok I'll stop. Thanks for 40+ reads! Love you all!


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