Chapter 8

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This story may not be appropriate for young children due to bad language. All characters belong to Rooster Teeth.

Nikki POV

As we entered the camp, David was the first to notice us.

"Max, Nikki! Where have you two been?! We were worried... sick..." he trailed off, his gaze lowering to our hands.

I realized with a jolt that Max and I were still holding hands. We quickly let go, trying to hide the blush from David. I heard him gasp quietly and yell "GWEN COME HERE!!!"

"What is it?! What happened?!" Gwen asked as she ran over.

"I found them, and guess wha-" David started to say before Gwen cut him off.

"I told you they were fine! You have to stop worrying so much!" She said shaking her head.

"No but Gwen you don't understand they were holding ha-"

"Come on you little shits, let's go back to your cabin to have a talk. David, don't follow."

Max and I, still blushing, quickly followed Gwen back to our cabin, where she made us sit on the couch.

"So Nikki, I guess everything worked out fine?" She asked me, an eyebrow raised and her arms crossed. I felt Max look at me with a questioning look.

"I... umm... I mean yeah..." I replied, looking at the ground extremely embarrassed.

"See? I told you it was fine! Now tell me everything!"

"I'm sorry, but what the fuck are you two talking about?" Max cut in

Before I could stop Gwen, she told him everything.

"Well Nikki came to me this morning, crying her eyes out, clearly melting down, because she thought she had ruined all her chances with you. she thought you hated her because of her mistake yesterday that turned all the campers against her. she wanted to talk to you to patch things up, but she didn't know where you were and that only caused more tears. so I told her that you would never hate her and that you were probably down by the lake. what I didn't tell her was that you liked her since you were 10." she explained, clearly loving all the drama.

I buried my face in my hands, feeling like I just drank a bottle of hot sauce. I heard Max chuckle as he put his arm around me.

"Aw don't be embarrassed Nik, I think it's cute!" He said, rubbing my back. I looked up and glared at Gwen.

"What? I'm just trying to help! Ya know, not many people can suck on each other's faces after a fight!" She said raising her hands in the air.

"GWEN! NOT NEEDED!" yelled Max, the blush returning to his face.

"I'm just saying! David and I had to wait a while and still don't completely get the attention we deserve." (*Cough cough* you hear that rooster teeth? Give us gwenvid!)

"Alright well this has been fun, but I'm gonna ask you to leave now." Said Max, pushing Gwen towards the door.

"Alright I'll leave you two alone, but please, don't be too loud, there are other campers here that don't need to know what you're doing."

"GWEN!" We both said in union.

"Alright, Alright I'm leaving!" She said before slipping out the door, clearly pleased with herself.

When Gwen was gone, Max turned to me with an exasperated look on his face.

"Lucky you, you get to have her as a mother." I said sarcastically, earning a chuckle from Max.

"Shut up will ya?" He laughed as he pulled me in and kissed me.

Once we pulled apart, he looked at me with a conserved look "What's wrong Nik?"

"I... I guess I have to go talk to Nerris now..." I said, suddenly feeling extremely nervous.

"Alright, just be careful." Max pulled me into a hug

"Max, it's Nerris she won't hurt me" I laughed.

"Well she is a dick to squirrels, how was I supposed to know?" He laughed, booping my nose.

"I'll go now. See you later." I said before hurrying out the door.


OMG YOU GUYSSS!! Thank you so much for 200+ reads I love you all! I love Gwen in this chapter I had so much fun writing her parts. Again, I'm really really sorry for not updating... I'm trying to focus on my mental health (cause it isn't great). Anyway... I'll try to update in a few days. 

Emilie UwU

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