Chapter 2

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This story may not be appropriate for young children due to bad language. No character is mine. Max was adopted by David and Gwen, Max and Nikki are 16.


I swear to god I thought everyone was able to hear my heartbeat. I don't know why I was so excited, yet nervous to share a cabin with Nikki, I mean... we won't be spending a lot of time in there! It's just to sleep, shower and be bored on Saturdays when we have no activities. Besides, it's not like she likes me back or anything... she's way out of my league.

"Max, you coming?"

"Yeah, you go ahead Nik, I'll catch up."

I grabbed my things, but before heading for the door, I walked towards David and Gwen.

"Hey David? Uh... thanks for letting me stay with Nikki... I really appreciate it."

"Aww don't mention it Max! And I'm sorry I picked Harrisons name instead of yours like we planned it."

"Yeah well, it worked out didn't it? I was actually really surprised that you were able to switch it around like that."

I started to walk away when Gwen grabbed my shoulder and whispered: "I ship it!"

"Fuck you." I smiled and made my way to the cabin.

Nikki POV

I was planning on getting in the cabin, but David had given Max both keys, so I was locked outside for a couple minutes. I was pretty happy about being able to share a cabin with Max, even though we wouldn't be spending much time there. I sat on the mini porch in front of the door and waited until I saw Max walking over in my direction.

"Why didn't you go inside?"

"You have both keys, I can't get in." I let out a small laugh as Max took out one of the keys and gave it to me.


I took the key and unlocked the door. I don't know why David and Gwen put locks on these things, but I guess it's because there might be actual objects and furniture, unlike tents.

The inside of the cabin was really nice. There were two floors. The first had a small living room with a nice little couch and a fireplace. Then, to the right, there was a small bathroom with a little shower, a toilet, and a sink. At the far end, there was a little staircase that led to the second floor. On the second floor there were two bedrooms with queen sized beds, and another bathroom. The cabin was pretty well decorated, thanks to Gwen. I walked into one of the rooms and plopped on the bed.

"How did David and Gwen afford this?! It's so nice!"

Max chuckled a bit at my comment. "Well, I guess that's what happens when the rich founder of this place goes to jail and leaves his money behind."

I got up from the bed, and started putting my clothes in the drawers next to my bed. Max got up from where he was sitting and brought his own luggage to his room. I barely finished getting settled in when there was a knock on the the front door. I ran downstairs and opened to see David standing there.

"Hello Nikki! Can you please go get Max and meet me and the rest of the campers at the mess hall for Friday activities? Since it's Friday you know what that means! Were going on a hike!"

"Oh okay! I'll meet you guys in a bit." I shut the door and walked up to Max's room.

"Hey Max."

"Oh, hey Nikki, come on in."

I walked in and sat on his bed.

"So David just came by to tell me that the campers are waiting for us to go on a hike."

"Uhhhhhh can't we disappear? I need a day away from David. He's been driving me fucking crazy since we were 10!"

"Aww come on Max! A hike will be fun! Besides, tomorrow is Saturday, so wish granted."

Max groaned and and walked of his room, heading for the front door.

"Well? You comin' or what?"

I giggled and flew out the door. This was gonna be a good summer.


Here's chapter two! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'll update again in a couple days or so. If you have any feedbackor recommendations, don't be shy! I'll see you guys soon!

~Emilie <3

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