Chapter 7

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This story may not be appropriate for young children due to bad language. All characters belong to Rooster Teeth.


The light in the room caused me to wake up. I blinked the sleep away from my eyes and looked at the clock on the shelf next to me.

"6:47? What the hell?" I whispered to myself as I realized that the the blinds weren't closed and let all of the early summer sun in the room.

I was about to get up to close the blinds and go back to sleep, but something held me down. Then I remembered. Truth or dare, the kiss, Harrison, sleeping with Nikki... wait. I looked behind me to realize that Nikki was still hugging me, but from behind. So yesterday actually happened. I slowly pulled her off of me and got up. I closed the blinds, the room plunging into darkness once more. I hesitated to go back to bed with Nikki, but unfamiliar feelings hit me like lightning, making me want to throw up. Anger, confusion, love, jealousy... they were all there. I went downstairs and made myself some coffee, and brought it to the couch. Last night's events played over in my head, bringing every feeling I felt with them. Nikki was dared to kiss a camper of her choice, and she kissed Harrison. I love Nikki and I don't blame her for wanting someone like him, but if only she knew that Harrison only ever liked her because she's hot and nothing else. Jealousy swept over me as I thought of Nikki liking Harrison. Worst of all, Harrison is already with Nerris and he doesn't seem to mind at all.

"Well, at least I'll be busy with today's activities, I won't have to talk to Nikki at all." I thought out loud before realizing... it was Saturday.

I have no activities Saturday! I'll have to talk to her. I don't know why the thought of talking to Nikki made me angry. She couldn't have known that I liked her, but still, she hurt me in ways I never thought possible. Then, I did something I didn't do since parents day when I was ten. I started to tear up. The tears stung my eyes as if they were made of fire. I was so mad, but not at Nikki, at myself. For being so stupid for thinking I ever had a chance. I was right, love is a waste of time. It always leaves you broken mentally and physically.

"Max?" Said a voice behind me.

Nikki was standing on the stairs, the swelling in her eyes had gone. I just got up and quickly walked to my room, brushing by her. I couldn't let her see me cry.

I slammed my bedroom door and locked it. I don't know why I was so fucking angry and sad at the same time. After all I can't blame Nikki for my feelings! I lay on my bed, and for the first time in six years, I cried. All the hurt over the years just tumbled out in hot stinging tears. I silently cried, hugging Mr. Honeynuts, wishing I was never born. That my parents never sent me to this god forsaken place. That I never met Nikki.

After half an hour, I had stopped crying and I was dressed. I was still depressed, but I couldn't let Nikki know how I felt about her. I crept downstairs to get out of the cabin and go to the lake, but I was stopped by Nikki on my way out.

"Max, wait! Please." I whipped around, trying my best to hide the hurt in my eyes.

"What do you want?" I sighed avoid eye contact.

In a quiet voice, almost a whisper, she said,"I want to explain what happened... why I kissed Harrison."

"I know why you did it, and I don't blame you. Harrison is a good guy. To you at least." I added the last part under my breath. I turned around and walked out the door without looking back.

The sun was well up in the sky, and the campers were starting to get out of their cabins to go eat breakfast. I wasn't hungry, I just walked into the woods, heading for the farthest beach of the lake.

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