Chapter 9

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This story may not be appropriate for young children due to bad language. All characters belong to Rooster Teeth.

Nerris POV (Yes, Nerris, just for now!)

I wasn't in a very good mood after last night's events. Even a game of DND didn't help, which was definitely a problem. I was in my tower, when I heard a voice call my name.

"Nerris? You up there?"

I sighed and called

"What is is Harrison?" I said, looking over the edge of the tower.

"Please come down, I want to talk to you."

"Very well." I growled, climbing down from my domain.

I jumped down the couple last steps and landed in front of Harrison. I had to admit, it was hard staying mad at him. I mean, I know it wasn't his fault, but its not like he exactly pushed her away. Besides, he was currently giving me that little smirk of his that never fails to make me smile.

"So, I'm guessing that you are here to apologize?" I asked arms crossed. I wasn't mad, hell I was happy! I was getting my Harrison back!

"What? No! Why would I apologize if a beautiful girl like Nikki kissed me? I came here to ask you if you wanted to go back to the cabin... you seem tense." He said with a seductive tone.

I was frozen. He just called Nikki beautiful! I couldn't believe him! Pissed as hell, I groweled, "you liked the kiss?!"

He looked shocked for about half a second, then started chuckling.

"Well of course! It's not everyday that you get kissed by a girl like that."

"You have a girlfriend Harrison! And that's me!" I yelled

"Aw come on Nerris, what is the problem with having my pick of girls? To have two girlfriends?"

I cant believe what he just said. How dare he!

"I should have known you didnt care! If you love Nikki so much go get her! Were done!" I yelled at him, louder this time.

Harrison paused, clearly shocked. "But... Nerris... I love you. It was just a kiss!" he pleaded, but I wasn't listening. Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"What do you not understand Harrison?! WERE OVER! LEAVE!!" I yelled one last time at the hurt Harrison.

He turned around and walked away towards out cabin. Our cabin! I totally forgot! I have to figure something out... I tried to ignore the fact that he was crying, hell, I was trying to ignore the fact that I was crying. I cant believe him. How can he do this to me? Did he not realize what he said and wanted was so wrong on so many levels? I turned around and slowly made my way back to my castle until I was stopped by a small voice behind me.

"Hey Nerris...? Can I talk to you?" Harrison? No... the voice was sad, but it was feminine... oh shit...

"What do you want Nikki?" I asked, not turning around, afraid that she'll see me cry.

"I wanted to apologize again. I can't imagine how you must feel and it was never my intention. Please Nerris, let me try to explain again. You're my best friend." she said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I heard her voice crack in the last couple words. What am I doing? It was never Nikkis fault... if I was in the same position as her, Id probably kiss Max. I'm no better than her. I had pushed away my bestfriend... I caused her pain... and I just lost by boyfriend. I couldn't take it. I turned around and collapsed into the taller girls arms, crying.

"Hey, Nerris, it's okay, shhh." Nikki whispered, lowering me to the ground so my head rested on her lap.

"I'm so sorry Nikki! I just can't take it anymore! I lost you and Harrison, all because of a stupid game!" I sobbed, gripping her leg for support.

"Nerris, calm down I can't understand you." She said, passing her hand through my hair. I sat up and faced her, wiping my tears as they stopped rolling down my cheeks.

"I broke up with Harrison. You can have him." I said, looking down at my hands.

"What?! Nerris, why would you do that?!" She asked, looking at me wide eyed.

"You kissed him didn't you? Turns out he wants you. So you can have him." I looked at her

"Nerris, I don't like Harrison! I love Max! Promise." She said, putting her hand on mine.

"Harrison just wasn't for me Nikki. He wasn't loyal. When you kissed him he decided that waned the both of us, so I broke up with him," I forced myself to not cry. I didn't want to look weak.

"Nerris, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, I just wanted to be with Max, and I guess I didn't put you and Harrison's feelings under consideration. I understand if you're mad, and I understand if you never want to see me again, but please Nerris, just know that I'm sorry."

We were still sitting on the ground. I didn't know what to say... Nikki seemed so genuinely sorry...

"I forgive you Nikki, you did what you had to do to be happy and I respect that." I said standing up.

"Thank you Nerris." She said, standing up and holding out a hand for me to shake.

Instead, I hugged her tightly, afraid to let go. "Now please forgive me Nikki. For yelling at you... I can't lose you."

She hugged me back, putting her head on mine. "Of course I forgive you, I understand."

We let go and I watched her walk back towards her cabin. The cabin! I'll have to see Harrison again!


yes, I'm alive I know I haven't been updating, my bad... anyway, here's chapter 9! I hope you enjoy it! I also wanted to thank you guys for 300+ reads! You guys are the best! I'll hopefully update soon. thank you so much for the support <3


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