Chapter 10

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I was in my room when I heard the door open and close downstairs. I ran downstairs in time to see Nikki plop on the couch face first and let out a long sigh. I sat down on the edge of the couch and taped her on the shoulder.

"So? How'd it go?" I asked as she looked up at me.

"Surprisingly well, actually. There was some crying, and some tea, but I got my best friend back." She said as she sat up next to me. I put my arm around her, pulling her close to my body.

"I'm glad to hear it. What do you say we go for a hike? Cool down from all this drama."

"I would love that." she said, getting up and taking my hand.

As we got ready to head out, we were stopped by a knock on the door. I opened it, only to see David standing there.

"Hello Max! May I speak with you and Nikki for a moment? I won't take much time." he said before walking in and sitting on the couch.

"My god David this was my day off!" i said, rubbing my temples in annoyance. "Nikki! Come on, David is here!" i called out

Nikki walked into the room, a half filled water bottle in her hand.

"Hey David! How can we help you?" she asked, sitting down next to him.

"Well campers, I'm afraid Nerris and Harrison are no longer... umm... friends. They came to me with this matter and I decided that because they were not eachothers original cabin buddies, Nikki will go back to Nerris and Max will move back in with Harrison." David said, clearly uncomfortable.

"What?! What does Gwen think of this?!" half-shouted Nikki

"She hates the idea, but everyone must feel comfortable in their cabins. I'm sorry kids. You have the rest of the day to pack up and move to your new cabins." and with that, he got up and left. I was still staring at the spot where he sat. my mouth was slightly open from shock and rage bubbled inside of me. He fucked up! David fucked up! Nerris fucked up! But most of all... preston fucked up.

"Max? Are you okay?" asked Nikki, snapping me out of my trance.

"No! I'm not! We don't deserve to change cabins just because Nerris and Harrison can't get their shit together! This isn't our fault!" I yelled.

"Max, it's not a big deal. Yes it was nice, great even, to share a cabin with you, but you're overreacting. Well see eachother every day! We don't spend that much time in our cabins anyway." nikki looked at me, her eyes round. She didn't understand what this was really about.

I looked away before saying, "It isn't about that. Look, I hated seeing you sad. Everything fell apart because of that stupid game. If it weren't for Preston, none of this would have happened! That bastard fucked everything up."

Nikki grabbed my face and made me face her. "You have to stop. Yes, Preston made a mistake, but he didn't know that this would happen! He thought I was going to kiss you, but I didn't. It isnt his fault, its mine. Besides, if he hadn't said anything, this wouldn't have happened either." she said before kissing me.

Her hands were still on the sides of my face, and I let mine wrap around her hips, pulling her closer. We stayed like that for a while, just enjoying the moment. Her lips were so soft, and she tasted like fresh air. I knew I had to go start packing, but my priorities were not in order. She pressed her body against mine, and I started to get warm all over, and felt a sudden emptiness when she pulled away. My arms were still wrapped around her, and her hands moved down to my chest.

"See? Were gonna be okay." she whispered before hugging me.


Hey everyone! I am so sorry for disappearing, but I am back and I'll start publishing more frequently. Thank you all for the support!

also! if you guys are fans of the Warriors saga, please go check out @Cherrywhisker36 ! her story is called Fading Vision and its amazing! go read it and give her support, she really deserves it. thank you so much! love you all!


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