Chapter 5

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This story may not be appropriate for young children due to bad language. No character is mine. Max was adopted by David and Gwen, Max and Nikki are 16.

Nikki POV (again)

"YOU WHORE!!! HOW COULD YOU??!!" Nerris yelled before running out of the mess hall.

"Nerris wait!" I yelled before running after her.

I ran out of the Hall and grabbed Nerris' arm.

"Let me go!" she yelled as I dragged her to my cabin.

"Not until I explain everything!"

"Why would I want ANYTHING from you!?"

At this point, tears were running down Nerris' face. I really messed up this time.

"Nerris please. Just let me explain everything. I promise you I don't like Harrison. Please come in and we'll fix this!"

I opened the door to the cabin and led her to my room. She was still crying, clearly beyond pissed. I patted the spot on my bed next to me, and to my surprise, she sat.

"Nerris, listen. I know that you and Harrison are together. First, I need you to understand that I don't like him romantically. He's just a really good friend. I look up to him if anything."

Nerris stared at me with fierce anger. "Then why the fuck did you fucking kiss him?!"

"I'm getting there. You see, there's a camper here that I've liked for a really long time. And tonight, Preston saw me with this person, and, well, I guess he kinda put the pieces together..."

Nerris' anger turned into confusion at this new information. "But... you were nowhere near Harrison tonight..."

"That's because I don't like him! When Preston dared me to kiss a camper of my choice I freaked!"

"Then why didn't you just kiss the boy you liked instead of your best friends boyfriend?!" she asked, her anger returning.

"Because... I don't want him to know. He'll just reject me! I've kept my crush a secret for six years, I can keep it a bit longer." I started tearing up at the thought of Max rejecting me. Oh god why did I have to be so stupid?!

"Who is this mystery boy?"

"I... I don't wanna say. No one knows." I said, holding back more tears

"Nikki. You kissed my fucking boyfriend! You have to tell me!"

"...fine. Its.... Max."

Nerris stared at me wide-eyed. She finally stopped crying, but the anger was still in her eyes.

"Max?! You kissed Harrison over Max?! Nikki what is wrong with you?!"

"Nerris I'm so so so sorry! Its just... I had to think quick and well... Harrison did have the biggest crush on me when we were younger an-"

"Oh wow. So NOW you decide to make a move on him?! After breaking his heart year after year, now that he's finally happy you make a move?!!"

At this point I was crying, I was ashamed and angry at myself. "NO NERRIS!!! I-I-I love Max! And I thought that if th-there was still a chance for him to like m-me, I kissed H-Harrison to make Max jealous!!"

Nerris stared at me, rage still burning in her eyes.

"You used him... you know that Harrison is still sensitive when is comes to you, and you use him to make Max jealous?! Even when you have no actual way of knowing if Max actually likes you. But you're right. He would've just rejected you. Because when it comes down to it, you're just a selfish, manipulative, whore. Just like your mother. Good luck finding yourself a new best friend bitch."

And with that, Nerris walked out of my room and the cabin. I was crying my eyes out. I buried my face in my pillow, her words repeating in my head. Selfish. Manipulative. Just like my mother. I begged myself to believe that those things weren't true. But they were. I was so stupid, and I had just lost all of my closest friends. I just cried and cried until I fell asleep.


Sorry for the short chapter.... they'll get better I promise! Anyway, hope you like it!


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