Chapter 6

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This story may not be appropriate for young children due to bad language. All characters belong to Rooster Teeth.



"Nerris wait!" Nikki said before running after Nerris.

When both girls were gone, we all just sat in silence for what felt like years. I was angry, and sad, and confused. I always knew that Nikki couldn't have liked me back, but seeing it confirmed in front of me...

I should've known that it was Harrison she really liked. After all, he liked her for years.

"Hey Max, you ok?" Asked Neil

"Why the fuck would anything be wrong?!" I snapped, trying to make it seem like I didn't care.

"Well it's just because I know that you like Ni-"

"NEIL SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! Everything is fine! Why don't you grill Harrison?! He was just kissed by his former crush in front of his girlfriend!" I yelled gesturing at Harrison.

"Oh no Max, it's ok, I know it was just a dare. I think Nerris is more shook than me." he replied with a smug look on his face.

"Wait. more shook?! What's that supposed to mean?!" I said, anger boiling inside of me.

"Oh Max, you fool! Isn't it obvious that Nikki wants me? And now I get my pick of girls!"

I felt my fists bawling up as rage consumed my entire body. How dare he speak of Nikki this way?!

"Nikki is not yours! She would never like someone like you!" I spat

"Ooh I see, you love her! How heartwarming. But you see Max, what makes you think that she would like someone like you over me?" Harrison replied with a grin half the size of his smug little face.

"You bastard. Take that back! Take it back you fucking bastard!" I yelled as I lunged at him and pinned him down by the throat.

"Max stop!" Neil yelled, trying to pull me off of Harrison. I kept my grip on Harrison for so long, Harrison lost air and Neil needed Nurf's help to pull me off.

I scrambled backwards, nearly falling on Neil, and got up. I had to leave the Hall. Harrison was gasping for air, holding his throat for support with Preston by his side.

"You... you monster!" Harrison yelled before I stormed out of the Mess Hall.

I started walking towards my cabin, bracing myself for Nikki, but I was stopped by a very pissed Nerris running out of the cabin. She grabbed my arm and pulled me a bit farther away.

"Nikki likes you and she used Harrison to make you jealous! So congratulations Max! Your girlfriend is a whore!" Nerris said, tears of pure rage streaming down her face.

"Wait hold up. She isn't my girlfriend and she isn't a whore and don't you EVER call her that you little bitch! You hear me?"

"Ugh whatever." she scoffed before walking back to the Mess Hall.

I stood there for a while, staring at nothing, the events of the evening playing over in my head. Then it hit me. Nerris said that Nikki... liked me?! That's impossible. She would never like someone like me. Besides, I can't trust anything Nerris says at the moment. I started to walk back towards my cabin, thinking of Nikki. I loved her, and nothing would ever change that. But tonight, she hurt me in ways I didn't even know possible. I opened the door and locked it behind me. I couldn't hear anything, so Nikki must be asleep. I made my way upstairs where I got ready for bed. Once I was in my pyjamas, I walked over to Nikki's room to check on her. She was on the floor away from her bed. She must've fallen from it. I gently picked her up and put her on the bed and pulled the sheets over her. Her hair was stuck on her face that was wet from tears. I felt a pang of sadness as I moved the hair from her face. She seemed so sad... destroyed... unhappy. Had I caused that? I was about to leave when I felt her hand grab my arm.

"...max..?" she whispered, her voice cracking from the crying.

"Yeah?' I whispered back, feeling nothing but compassion for the hurt girl.

"I-I'm sorry Max." she said, tearing up again.

"Shhh I know. Don't worry Nikki." I said, leaning down to wipe a tear off her cheek.

"W-will you... sleep with me tonight?" she asked, her red puffy eyes pleading.

I felt a little surprised by her request, but I wasn't dumb enough to turn it down.

"Of course."

Nikki opened up the sheets in front of her and I got in. as soon as I got in, she hugged me, burying her face in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and gently kissed the top of her head before falling asleep with Nikki in my arms.


Yes yes, I know, I havent been active, IM SORRY!! I try my best but school and my health is really tiring me out. So the drama just shot up, and there is more coming at you! Ill update tomorrow, promise. 


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