Chapter 3

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This story may not be appropriate for young children due to bad language. No character is mine. Max was adopted by David and Gwen, Max and Nikki are 16.


I never cared for hikes, mostly because you're just walking for hours and hours and I'm not big on that. I was walking next to Neil, but my eyes were on Nikki. Her eyes sparkled when she was in nature. She loved hikes and I guess her love for them kinda made me hate them... less.

"Hey Max? You good?" I snapped out of my trance to notice Neil talking to me with a concerned look. "You're completely red."

"I'm fine."

Neil followed my stare and looked at Nikki, then me, and back again.

"Dude... do you like Nikki? Is that why you've been acting so weird?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"Shut up! I don't like her!" I looked at him and gave him the best glare I could manage. He just laughed his head off.

"Oh my god you actually like her! Dude that's crazy! Does she like you back?? You gotta make a move! How long has it been??"

"Oh my fucking god Neil, SHUT UP! I don't want her to know! Besides..." I looked at the ground sadly before continuing. "She would never like someone like me..."

Neil looked at me sympathetically, as if he knew exactly what I was feeling.

"Aw don't say that! I mean, sure you're a little rough around the edges but Nikki knows the real you! I'm sure that she would accept you if you would just put yourself out there!"

"God you sound like David." I chuckled

" David knows?!"

"And Gwen. That's how I ended up sharing a cabin with Nikki."

"Huh... so?? How long has it been? That you like her I mean."

"Well..." I felt my face heating up "Since the Lake Lilac Summer Social... when we were ten.."

Neil just stared at me for a good five seconds before speaking.

"That was six years ago!!"

"I am aware of that."

"Oh my god okay. At what time do David and Gwen go to sleep?"

"Uhh around 10:00... why?"

"Meet me at the Mess Hall at 10:30. Okay?"

"Umm sure?"

"Ok ok good." Then, without another word, Neil ran off to talk to Nerris, then Dolph, then... Nikki?

Nikki POV

I was chatting with Ered when Neil came up to us with a weirdly large smile.

"Hey Nikki, Ered."

"Hey Neil! What's up?" I greeted him.

"Oh, not much, I just came to tell you both that the campers and I are gonna meet at the Mess Hall tonight at 10:30. Wanna come?"

Ered was the first to speak "Yeah sure, sounds cool"

"Awesome. What about you Nikki? You gonna come?"

"Uh yeah sure, what for?"

Neil looked at me with a sly smile, that almost creeped me out.

"To play a game."


Dun duuunn! I'm sorry it's short but to build suspense I'm gonna wait a while to update :p Anyway, enjoyyyy :D


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