Chapter 3

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I woke up suddenly and heard my phone vibrating. I sat up and grabbed my phone.

I looked at my phone and read the caller ID: Unknown. I then looked at the phone number underneath it: 702-555-0103.

"He's calling me?" I whispered, confused. I waited a few seconds before answering it. I was nervous for some reason.

"Hi, uh... this is Spencer. You called me yesterday. Even though you meant to call someone else, I think."
"Uh, yeah. Hi..."
"I just thought I should call back and apologize for what I said on the phone yesterday. I thought you were someone else."
"I figured that." I laughed awkwardly.
"Yeah. Sorry about that."
"It's ok, don't worry about it. I'm the one who got the number wrong."
"It's ok..."

Neither of us said a word for about twenty seconds. I stared at the wall, holding the phone to my ear and biting my lip anxiously.

"So is there anything else?" I asked, breaking the silence.
"Not really I just wanted to apologize for yesterday."
"Well, thank you. I appreciate it. You seem really nice..."

I sounded so awkward. I have no idea what to say to this guy. He sounds young. My age maybe? I don't even know what he looks like. What if he's cute? He could literally be anywhere in the U.S. though.

"So I guess I better go. I'm at work and we're about to start up so..."
"Oh yeah. I actually have to go too so, yeah, of course."

He has a job. He's probably older than me.

"Well, have a good day. Bye."
"You too. Bye."

We hang up and I immediately throw myself back onto my bed. I sounded so stupid. I'll probably never meet him or even talk to him again so whatever. I groaned then finally got myself up and out of bed.


I got dressed, threw my hair up into a messy bun and did light makeup.

I grab my bag and go into the kitchen to grab a blueberry muffin and make myself a cup of coffee.

I couldn't stop thinking about this guy. What he looked like. How old he was. Where he lived. Where he worked. What is he like? I mean, why would we suddenly run into each other's lives and then just nothing. I want to meet him, but I can't even talk to him on the phone without being awkward.

I never even got to tell him my name. At least I know his... Spencer. Spencer Reid. It's cute. Uhhh, what am I doing. I should just forgot about him before I get attached.

I quickly finish my little breakfast then head off to class. I'm going to be so distracted today...

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