Chapter 8

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I slowly open my eyes. My head is pounding. I can feel something warm and wet dripping down the side of my head.


I still have duct tape around my wrists and over my mouth. I try to look around at my surroundings but my vision is a little blurry. Once it comes into focus I notice I'm in a basement. I'm sitting in a wooden chair with rope tying me to it.

I look over at a long table a few feet away from me. A bunch of different tools and knives laid out on the table, covered in dried blood.

I start panicking, trying to get myself out of the chair, then I hear a noise from across the room.

I look over and see another wooden chair in the back corner of the other side of the room. It's dark but I can see there's someone sitting in it, tied to it like me.

It's a girl. She has duct tape over her mouth. She's trying to say something but it's muffled by the tape.

My eyes widen as I look at her from across the room. He has others.

What the hell is he doing? What does he want with us? Is he just killing us for the fun of it?

I hear a noise from upstairs. He's coming. He's going to kill us. I need to get out of this chair but it's impossible. I'm tied too tight and I can't get my hands free.

He starts coming down the stairs to the basement. His steps are loud and fast.

I close my eyes and start crying. Why me? Why did it have to be me?

I open my eyes and he's standing right in front of me. He rips the tape off of my mouth and you can hear my loud heavy breathing.

"Please..." I manage to get out through my heavy breathing and hysterical crying. "Please don't kill me."

He starts laughing, "oh, I'm not gonna kill you. At least not yet."

I look up at him, confused. "Then what do you want?" I ask.

"I'm gonna have some fun with you first."


I open my eyes, my vision hazy. I can barely focus on anything.

My head is pounding even harder than before and I have pain coursing through my body. It's like lighting bolts hitting me repeatedly. I can feel the warm, wet sensation in certain areas of my body and I know it's blood, oozing out of me.

I look up at the ceiling. I'm laying on top of a table. My body tied to it with rope. I can barely breathe because the rope is so tight.

I slowly move my head to the side, trying to see where he is. I don't see him. He's probably upstairs.

I try to think quickly what to do. I need to get out of here.

I try to move my body but the rope is too tight. I keep wiggling, trying to push myself up to loosen the rope, but it's not working.

Come on, please loosen.

I keep wiggling and struggling underneath the rope. My body is so weak. I somehow manage to get my right arm loose and pull it out from underneath the rope.

I try to untie the rope with one hand but it's tied too tight. I can't get it.

I try to roll over onto my side and pull out my other arm. This is useless. I can't move.

I keep picking away at the knot in the rope, keeping me tied down to the table. Please, please just loosen.

A wave of relief hits me when I finally get it loosened. I tug at it and untie it completely, freeing the rest of my body.

I sit up slowly as my head starts pounding harder. I look down at my chest and stomach and see deep cuts. Some of them are pretty fresh and still bleeding.

I touch one on my chest and wince in pain. I slowly swing my legs around and push my weak body off the table.

I try to stand but my legs give out and I crumble down onto the floor. I start seeing black dots and I feel dizzy. It must be from the blood loss.

It passes after a few seconds and I slowly try to stand up again, using the table to pull myself up.

I try to walk over to the stairs, holding onto anything I can to keep myself from falling back onto the floor.

I keep stumbling and I feel like I'm about to pass out. My body just wants to give out and collapse onto the floor, but I can't. I have to get out of here before it's too late.

I finally get over to the bottom of the stairs. I listen for a moment. I don't hear anything, maybe he's not even here. Maybe it's safe to go up.

I hold onto the railing and step onto the first step at the bottom of the stairs. My heart drops into my stomach as I look up at the top of the stairs.

He's there.

I turn around and step off of the stairs. I try to move quickly before he gets down the stairs. My vision is starting to get blurry. I can't see.

I squeeze my eyes shut then open them again. I try to focus on something, anything. The table with all his tools and knives. It's only a couple feet away. I need to get over to it.

I take a deep breath and run over to the tables. I collapse onto it when I get over to it.

Come on, get up. He's coming.

I can hear his heavy foot steps coming down the stairs. They're slow, like he's taking his time.

I try to pull myself up using the table. I grab the first thing I see, a large butcher knife stained with blood. My breathing is heavy and I can barely see anything.

I feel his hot breath on the back of my neck. He's standing right behind me.

"You thought you could get away, did you?" He says then grabs me and turns me around to face him.

I hold the knife in my right hand and hold it behind my back. I don't think he knows I have it.

He lifts his hand up to my face and brushes some stray hairs out of my eyes.

"It's a shame. I really did like you." He slides his hand down to my neck and grips his hand around it. He starts squeezing it and I gasp for air.

"But I'm afraid your time is up now." He squeezes even harder and I can't get any air in. I'm starting to lose consciousness. I have to do it now.

I move my arm out from behind my back and stab him in the stomach with with the knife. He yells and releases his hand from my neck. I inhale and start coughing and gasping for air.

He falls backwards onto the floor and looks down at the knife. He starts laughing.

"That was cute." He says then starts coughing. He spits out blood onto the floor.

"Go ahead. Try to run," he spits out more blood, "you won't get far."

I start making my way over to the staircase, my breathing is heavy. The cuts on my chest and stomach are on fire. My throat feels like it's closing in from him squeezing so hard.

My vision starts to get burry again, but I'm able to make it back over to the stairs. I reach up for the railing but he grabs me and throws me down against the floor before I can. I cough, gasping for air again.

"I warned you," he says, breathing heavily. He grabs the handle of the knife sticking out of his stomach, and pulls it out slowly.

I try to move but I can't. I'm too weak. It's time to give up. I'm not getting out of here. He's going to kill me.

He starts laughing as blood pours out of his open wound on his stomach. He lifts up the knife. This is it. I close my eyes as a tear falls down my face.

"I never lose." He says right before piercing the blade into my stomach.

I take one last breath then let myself drown into the darkness...

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