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My name is Emeel. Not a meal, not Emily; Emeel. "Your parents were probably drunk when they named you..blah blah blah!"..I know. All jokes aside, I don't care if you hate my name. I do too.

My mom, Christeen, is the one who works in the family. I wouldn't say my family is rich, I wouldn't say that we're poor. We're just normal, which is weird because I'm part of the family. And last of all my dad...he..well...I don't really know a lot about him. Weird how I never see him but he doesn't have a job: something that would excuse his absence. I worry about him sometimes.

But the internet is the only thing I probably will ever need to survive. There is this really cool channel called "Smosh" on YouTube. I would watch every single one of their videos until I run out of videos to watch. Then I rewatch them all again! Something about this channel just makes me smile. I'm pretty sure nothing will ever replace it. My mom and dad can hate me...I don't care. I know that Smosh loves their fans. And I'm one of them.

"Emeel!" My mom announced,"Time for bed." I obeyed her command and turned off my laptop. I wasn't happy about it. But I did it, anyway.

That was a year ago.

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