A new job

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When I arrive at school I'm greeted by my best friend, Mallory. She is a Smosh OBSESSOR.

"Hey, Emeel! I have to go to class, but at lunch...do you want to watch a Smosh video?" She asked me. I wanted to say no but I knew that she loved Smosh. And she loved sharing their videos with me, even though I've watched every single one.

"Sure." I hesitated. At lunch, I met Mallory at the cafeteria and we watched (none other than) a Smosh video. Of course I've already seen it. 10 times. But for Mallory's sake, I uttered a fake laugh. I hate lying to her, but I hate seeing her sad that she's left out. Finally, the video was over. I knew every single word of dialogue of every video. And I...just wasn't as big of a fan as I used to be. It pained me to do it, but I pulled out my phone, went to Smosh's YouTube channel and hit "unsubscribe". Funny how I thought that I would like them forever. And now I just don't care for their videos anymore. I wish that I could find the perfect YouTuber; one that I'd never get tired of. I decided to walk home today, because the bus would always stress me out in the afternoon. A bunch of loud, screaming, annoying kids just didn't make me smile. I didn't expect to see my mom when I arrived home, But oddly enough..she was there! I'm so use to being by myself, at home, in the afternoons.

"Emeel! I have great news for you!" Mom said.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked.

"I got a new job!" She announced in excitement.

"Okay, so....." I said in suspense.

"Well, for this new job I'll have to work really late. And you will have to stay at a babysitter's house. It's someone connected to my work place. I'll bring you to school in the morning before I drop off your things at his house." She explained. "Wait, where do you work?" I asked.

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